comments on Project Extreme T.V. show.
Todd 08-07-2009
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If you have not seen the t.v. show her is two links to it.


pumpjockey 08-07-2009
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Excellent article, Rob.

Some jobs INSIST on the mace-like devices, they need to sign a waiver, they need to own it, they need to clamp it on.

THEY are the project supervisor, and engineer.  The hoseman and placing crew need to be informed and sign off on it too, during a special safety meeting.

pumpjockey 08-07-2009
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BTW, still can't view the Youtube version in Canada.

I gotta look for a 'proxy' to sneak in and check it out.

pumpjockey 08-07-2009
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Can someone post the simple Youtube URL for that video?  I can't search it out with that huge embed link.

pumper chuck 08-07-2009
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Todd,it looks the perfect opertunity for you to send lititure to the D.O.T. as to why they cannot hang /clamp anything metal/steel to any hose .PERIOD. but can reduce and place a smaller dia..hose that will help with free falling concrete in a safe and sensible way as to not put the lives of others in danger. i have been on numerous D.O.T. jobs and to this day have never had nor ever seen any D.O.T. employee work the hose .with this being said they are never in any danger of being whipped with anything.i know its the pump co.s place to practice safety and to inform others what is and not going to happen for safety's sake. but someone not in the tell someone else how to there job is just one or two going to tell me how to or why im going to put anything on the end of a hose that might kill period..and if any of you do you are as bad as they one can force you to do something  that is not SAFE.

Todd 08-07-2009
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Todd 08-07-2009
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You are right Pumper Chuck. I wish we could do more. is doing what it can believe me. CPMA and ACPA and addressed this issue and we will continue the fight for safety. I would like to thank Rob Edwards for his work on this article. Great job Rob and thanks for being safety guy.

Todd 08-07-2009
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This is the 3rd t.v. show I have seen with pumping in it and each time the show made us look so bad. Why cant these pump companies at least do a good job when on t.v.?

Pump N00b 08-08-2009
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Well, atleast the new show on Discovery, LA Hard hats, show the concrete guys and pump operators doing a good job.

yard whore 08-08-2009
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ShortStik 08-08-2009
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Rob W.  I wish I had a camera on some of my "Union Jobs".  Same Shit, different pile. 

RAM03 08-12-2009
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i dont know if ant of you watch extreme home makeover but ive seen pumps on there several times they just dont show a whole lot of the pour because they cram some much stuff into a one hour show.

RAM03 08-12-2009
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i dont know if ant of you watch extreme home makeover but ive seen pumps on there several times they just dont show a whole lot of the pour because they cram some much stuff into a one hour show.

RAM03 08-12-2009
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go to discovery keyword concrete pumping and it will show you some cool up close pump shots and the pipeline inside the dubai building. best pics ive seen of that project yet.