Cutting ring advice
b-alto 09-20-2013
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Anyone ever use a hardened steel replacement on a carbide system? My Schwing suposedly has carbide but the replacement is around $1300 for just the ring. Would it hurt to use a steel for $250.


THETrapper 09-20-2013
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From experience I would use the carbide. They last a long time. But the steal one could be kept up by turning it often and maybe hard facing it after a while. It also depends how harsh your mix is. 

bisley57 09-21-2013
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spend the money

dlee7729 09-23-2013
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Go carbide if you can. Carbide more than plays itself in labor and yards pumped . How do it carbide inserts look?.

b-alto 09-23-2013
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The spec plate is good. My old ring is getting chipped. I will most likely go with carbide. Just spent 700 on a agitator motor and 750 on new hats :) i have a spare ring i might throw on for now. Then invest in a good one.i need to get a 1.5"or 30 mm? impact to break the rear bolts loose first, then pry the rear plate back. spinning the ring would help.

gboom 09-24-2013
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since you are going to rotate the cutting ring, you should invest in replacing the pressure spring as well. Over time they loose their flexibility, and with that, they loose the pressure they apply to the cutting ring; and it is a 30mm wrench that you need for the back plate

b-alto 09-24-2013
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Absolutely on the pressure spring, very importaint! Yes i learned that years ago. Leakage of the grease around the ring caused by reusing the spring is a definate no no. Thanks for the 30 MM info i thought it was was wasn't sure, didn't have a metric tape..

b-alto 09-24-2013
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OH, by GREASE i mean the slippery stuff that allows concrete to pump. (via Ray)..