darwin hb concrete pumping
Mr wibau 08-08-2009
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DSC00849.jpg picture by brendocrx

DSC00839.jpg picture by brendocrx

DSC00840.jpg picture by brendocrx

DSC00841.jpg picture by brendocrx

eugen_syd 08-08-2009
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Hmmm nice pics!

ShortStik 08-09-2009
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Are those all Sermac?  for the love of god, WHY IS THAT 33-5 IN AN ARCH?  think i gotta come over there and give some lessons.  an 18 of your locals finest if a more then an ample payment

Mr wibau 08-09-2009
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hey short how you been. what happen to your message last night, sounded like you had had a few beers my old man seen your post.

what is wrong with it being in a ark, it keeps it away from heads, makes it able to get back to the cab and also there is nothing writen on the machine to say it should not be used that way.

the other machines are concord,kcp and the 33 the one we are talking about is called the boat anchor. 

Mr wibau 08-10-2009
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Product Picture

ShortStik 08-10-2009
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yah, got to put a sticky up, "No posting after Beer"

i tryed to run the 32-5 in an arch once.  other then looking goofy, everything seemed backwards.

Mr wibau 08-10-2009
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looking goofy haha. i didnt no there was a position you could put the boom in to not look goofy.

bigstick 08-10-2009
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Just exactly are you going to give lessons on?  The man evidently has his shit together or he wouldn't be working everyday.  Stop being so critical, you dont know everything, on your profile your twenty-eight years old, and your gonna give lessons on how to run some one elses pump?  Might want to gain some experience of your own first.

ShortStik 08-10-2009
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lol true to that Mr. Wibau. 

bigstick, "Yawn".  go play that game with some one else.  im not interested.