dcpu1 you are our 2400th member, Congrats and thank you.
Todd 11-19-2008
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I was hopping to have 2400 by world of concrete 2009 and we did it almost 3 months early. Thanks dcpu1 for joining us.

ruck 11-19-2008
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Congrats to all.

Big Tobacco 11-19-2008
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Congrats on number 2400! dcpu1, great to have you on board. Just a word of caution, better learn how to post some pics real quick or badassduramax is gonna "get medevil on your ass!!!"

Big T

Bob 11-20-2008
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It just so happens that I was reading about your pour in a copy of the pumping mag' today. Great job!

Welcome to CP.Com ;~)