Slavedattler | 05-21-2007 | comment profile send pm notify |
I use to use recover from Grace chem, but it took some serious att. of you could mess up a job very easy. What is todays norm for additives in a hoper for travelling. We may travel an hr maybe two, but we have 1-2% calcium on colder days, so yes many variables. Is there a delay product we could test. Sorry we are so busy we do not change our ways if it has a 80% success rate hehe. |
Slavedattler | 05-21-2007 | reply profile send pm notify |
I agree speady but enviromental laws here and costs. It is not an option in our downtown core. When we can we do wash, but but the other times just do not allow for it. One pump 3-5 jobs a day serious. 50m maybe one job. Weights here are permitted up to full hopper. Laws would only fine for hauling product not weight issued permit. They alowed the permitted weight. I am in a highly competitive market Vancouver B.C. Canada. We are trying to change the get a pump park it here and pump the job and shut up attitude we have created. But washing on site has been eliminated here by fisheries, they have more power than a boarder gaurd. So we have to find ways to work around this. I know it is a sore subject with our operators, but we have to go on, and focus on more serious issues in the market. |
Mudslinger | 05-21-2007 | reply profile send pm notify |
In an emergency- SUGAR-Recirculate ,suck back the ball ,and go somewhere to clean out ! 3 cups of sugar will KILL your hopper But you have got to get rid of it as it will kill any other mud it comes in contact with! I use it during my daily clean-up,but I get rid of it and I tell my customers I'm using it. Then there's no way anyone is going to try to use it after I'm gone! |
Bob | 05-21-2007 | reply profile send pm notify |
why anyone would tote an extra 3,000# [hanging behind his rear wheels] that was not forced to do it at gunpoint is beyond me. It takes 10 to 15 min to wash out. Really, just how important is anyone piece of machinery that the next guy can't wait 15 min's..... especially if you are also the ready mix supplier. I think Speedy has it right: Just don't do it. And the added bonus is that you no longer need to worry about your hopper setting up. If your hopper DOES set up, well, good.... you cant splash it on my car. |
Bob | 05-21-2007 | reply profile send pm notify |
AND................AND..... let me make sure that I have this right. So you are driving around with at least 3,000# if extra weight slung way out past your rear wheels FOR FREE after failing to bill for a clean-up that every pumper in the world gets paid for. Does that about cover it? |
Todd | 05-21-2007 | reply profile send pm notify |
I would make sure you ask if your Manufacture if the warrantee is void once you driver around with a full hopper of mud. I Know the truck was not designed for that. |
pumper chuck | 05-21-2007 | reply profile send pm notify |
Im not sure about the name of the company that makes them,but will find out .Hopper diapers were designed to hold about 1cyd of concrete, to eliminate this problem.You dump and wash,it sets up;customer disposes anywhere he/she sees chooses.They pay for the bag,the concrete and disposal.
Slavedattler | 05-21-2007 | reply profile send pm notify |
Wow what a response, how can I explain our market. We are not allowed to wash on site, just a rule put in place with enviromental laws over ruleing all others. We have fisheries, they control our fishing laws and enviromental construction laws. We do not water the back of our pumps, a dry road rule to get away from very large fines. I am suprised about the response we have been under the micrascope for years protecting a fragile industry. I would love to flush each job, but the washhout area is a large cost job to job. We have made our bed years ago with water washing and indipendants washing and running high ph water down the street drains. Just the way it seemed to be many years ago. Today its minimum 10,000cad fine to the company and personal fines and possible jail. Hehe we as Canadians could do drugs or kill infront of a cop and get less jail time. As I said I would love to wash out onsite but its the law. Now travel to our nearest plant after onsite delays or anything side ways means 1-2 hrs unless its on the way to the next job, thus with the amount of machines working in our area we get replaced by a rental pump, done. So we are in a very tight time schedule some days better than others but still tight. Whats the answer.
Slavedattler | 05-21-2007 | reply profile send pm notify |
We do carry an emergancy bag that holds a hopper full with wash water, that may be the answer but it still chances spill, our law states you put the high ph water there buddy trips or spills it its my fault for leaving it. Lafarge pulled all their wash hoses off their trucks one year until the heat subsided. |
Slavedattler | 05-21-2007 | reply profile send pm notify |
I should add we have been doing this for years, as I was trainned it was a big part of the trainning how to keep your hopper happy, non of our machines have seen repair from this practice. We had thompson flappers to conversions to Reichs to Schwing to Putz and Concords no issuse of weight, we run 44000lbs rears and have a 200hrs maintanance program and each operator dbl checks everything everyday. Mountain terrain has to be dbl dbl safe. 15 mechanics at one shop 3 per satalite shops 4 in total.Not quite Pumpco but a very large firm, world wide. We are the only pumps they own. |
peter pumper | 05-22-2007 | reply profile send pm notify |
I just had a pump job where the forest service said we could put anything on the ground. I recirculated and added 2 gallons of grace recovery then pumped that into the mixer truck. Made the contractor bring up 300 gallons of water in trailer. Filled hopper and water washed into mixer truck. did it one more time, sucked water back into hopper and added a little more recovery. Drove truck off mountain two hours back to yard and wash out hopper everything was fine. I was nervous but it worked. IF in town just water was into mixer truck. |
Slavedattler | 05-23-2007 | reply profile send pm notify |
Thats ok but water wash a 50m then no were to suck back ooh segragation is a posability, maybe more recover. I am trying not to totaly kill it, but find a more stable additive. It can liquify a 3inch slump load of fresh mud if I use too much also hehe. Like they said I should figure a better washout solution. |
Donnyone | 05-25-2007 | reply profile send pm notify |
Whatever happened to, it's the customers responsibility for wash out? If no place to wash out then no pumping. That is it, end of story. |
Bob | 05-26-2007 | reply profile send pm notify |
100% |