Do you need Mack Help?
Todd 06-10-2014
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Do you need Mack truck help, Mack truck has created a help line just for us concrete pumpers. When your dealer can not help you call

Mack at 877 893-3007

foundationperson 06-11-2014
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Good info. Is this recent?? just for pumpers?

Todd 06-11-2014
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Yes this is somewhat new. Many of the local Mack dealers just did not understand our problems and many of the problems we have been having can be fixed but the local dealers just did not understand how to fix the problems. 

foundationperson 06-11-2014
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Well Good. Better late then never.

Mister_Perkins 06-12-2014
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maybe the check engine lights can finally go off that nobody knows how to repair now

b-alto 06-14-2014
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A Mack post area site would be nice. A call line sounds great! I call my Mack dealer and ask for a mechanic they are usually quite helpful. I have a question right now think i'll make it a topic.