Does anyone care about the History of Concrete Pumping
Todd 05-11-2014
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You know all the old timers are dying off, if we do not collect and document the history of concrete pumping we are going to lose it. I have been doing the best I can but I need help. here is what I  have so far.


180 flyer 05-15-2014
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Apparently not. Wink

localboy 05-15-2014
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Yes i do! Heard different stories about it, heard that Americans were messing around with pumps back in the 1920s but struggled getting it up past 3 stories, but Hitler and his merry man perfected when building is concentration camps in the late 1930s

Todd 05-15-2014
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where did you hear that? i need that info

Ti-so 05-15-2014
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I care about it and i m hungry for more!!!10years ago,i owned a thomsen didn t even know what was all about.

yard whore 05-16-2014
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Im interested.