Don't ever get a DUI!!
cbconcretepumper 03-28-2014
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I started running trailer pumps in Florida(no one should start on a boom!!)...went back home to Indiana for awhile then headed out west to work for brundage bone! I worked for them almost 3 years. I loved it there but like an idiot I got a DUI 3 years ago in 2011.. passed the first test, cop said I didn't do it right made me do it again and barely blew over the second time!

   Fuuuuucked my life up! I had a lot to learn anyway between my drinking and sleeping in lol.. Bounced around from job to job finishing, trying to get back into a pump.. I got my cdl back(had to have a breathalyzer in my car for 6 months, $1800, retake all tests and a year of probation) and started running a pump again.

be careful guys, no one wants to hire someone with a DUI not a good, reputable, safe and structured company that pays well anyway! I was lucky enough to get my job back with brundage bone recently and I can tell you first hand the grass is not greener on the other side, and I couldn't be happier where I'm at!

putzman1975 03-29-2014
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glad you made it back.not everyone can recover.pump on.

SunConcreteSmiley 03-29-2014
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Glad to hear your doing well buddy... I think I may know of that we'll run good paying company your talking about.

cbconcretepumper 03-29-2014
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Haha too bad the union doesn't except delinquents or I would have went to work for you... I'm gonna miss a z boom and putz's because the branch I'm at only has schwing  

cbconcretepumper 03-29-2014
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Got me a nice 39, pumped a 150 yes slab with it this morning!