Drew 78 / TJ
Seed 01-16-2009
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Nice looking pumps! Do you guys have any close ups!

Todd 01-16-2009
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I could not figure out what you were talking about Seed. Than it hit me, your talking about the featured members.

Seed 01-16-2009
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Todd, you have been doing a good job with the featured members. I don't now the schedule but the members change. I think it is a nice feature. I have to laugh about when you made me a feature member. It was fun! MY wife and I laughed a bunch. Thanks for doing it! The site is as great as it's always been!

Nice Job and thanks!

What kind of pump is that 78?

Bob 01-16-2009
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They used to run Concord stuff. I don't know if they still do.

Shouldn't you be tending bar tonight? Drawing those $0.99 drafts ;~)

Seed 01-16-2009
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HA HA HA, not yet Funny Story and a hijack(opening a bar)

The land lord had to build a wall for our inspection. I called him late one night and suggested he get a permit. He informed me they did not need one. So then I called his wife to suggest the same thing. She says they do not need one. The city came to inspect today. Guess what. They needed a permit. Chump! We were shooting for a Feb 1 opening. It may be Feb 15. We are going to open! We have a couple more hoops to jump threw. Like anything, The guy who quits never gets the prize! Sweet victory is near.

Seed 01-16-2009
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Is that a 42 with Double rams on the 1 st stage? In a building? Jun Jin? 

Raymond 01-16-2009
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Hey, let me know if you need a bouncer for your bar.  I'll start now and grow a sweet mullet...

...the name is 'Daultin'...


Seed 01-16-2009
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That was a funny SNL! Road House, what a great movie! WE only wish it was that tough! 10 years ago maybe, It's nice we all get older and wiser!

TooTall 01-18-2009
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Bounce'n aint what it used to be Raymond, I was divistated when I found out you can no longer ripp a guys throught out for goosing the waitress,! The thrill is gone?

 What kind of pump is that 42M??? Anybody?