Easy to change hose not easy to change any injure part of body
Munir 08-30-2008
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First of all important is for all us,

What is different between single end hose and double end hose?

It is simple.

Single end hose is standard of concrete boom pump.

Double ended hose is only for extension between two hose.

For example deep pour where boom not enter or for more important place where is without double end hose not possible to do the job.

When we are known this is the different then why any operator uses the double end hose always.

If any operator is don’t know what is the problem by double end hose or he will not stop the double end hose.

It means he is not operator he is only playing with hose man.

My advice is for him,

Please one time he catch the hose and hose man operate the boom then that operator will well know what is the different between double end and single end hose.

We are never use double end hose because we know the different.

That’s why my request to all,

(Easy to change hose not easy to change any injure part of body)

Vasa 09-02-2008
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Dont the operator order what hose or reducer He would have on the pump He operates ? Just wonder....