Edmontons finest.
drunkendave 02-22-2012
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Can't upload pics from iPhone. Anyways... Brother Inlaw was pouring a footing when the tip section buckled on a 38z. Nobody got hurt, just some poopy pants.

drunkendave 02-22-2012
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I sent the pics to Todd. We'll see if he posts them.

Todd 02-23-2012
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I called and talked with the owner of A&B Concrete Pumping, great guys. They will have a statement that they will post in a little bit.

So Glad nobody got hurt.

2nd generation 02-23-2012
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I appreciate everyone's concerns on this unfortunate matter and fortunately no one was hurt,  investigation's have begun and will continue until this matter is resolved. Thank you Todd for you call this morning it shows great respect to us as a company and as an industry. Will keep you updated to any findings that might impact the industry.

PrariePumper 02-24-2012
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Glad to hear no one was hurt in this.  Do we know what happened yet?  Did it buckle at the end of the tip, the middle, or at the ram?  was there hose connected to the boom?  is this an operator / manufacture error?  THis is a site about safety, I want to take all possible measures that this does not happen to me.  Put the pride aside and share what happened so the industry can learn from this.  any info would be great.

concreteluvr 02-24-2012
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A&B has disclosed all its contact information and told they will let everyone know when the investigation is done. They want to find out as well I am sure so they can tell you the real story.

Gotta give credit for stepping to the plate and offering this. Todd went to the source before he put any comment on the site as well. Credit there as well. I think this was done in the best interest of everyone. I am sure this will have a real answer soon for all to learn from.

We are all in this together and this to me was handled on this site the right way.

Dipstick 02-28-2012
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''Gotta give credit for stepping to the plate and offering this.''   Ok. I agree Todd did the right thing and all but we will have to see if we ever get an answer before we start thanking anyone for offering anything is my opinion Wink

2nd generation 02-29-2012
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I recently posted a statement updating our initial posting under "Edmonton's Finest" an incident which took place in our company on February 22, 2012 involving a 38z meter concrete pump truck. It was recently removed as per the manufacture's request. In the posting I did state the name of the manufacture and showed pictures but with no markings of the manufacture for this reason. The pictures were specifically intended to show the failed component to aware industry. I respect Concrete Pumping. Com and Todd in there decision to remove the posting and it's content to apise the manufacture. What I can say at this time is that the failed component is being inspected by a third party engineering firm, a failure analysis report should be completed shortly and should give some direction as to why it may have failed. At this time there are no accusations to the way this equipment's operated, inspected by third party or the manufacture. We are early in our investigations and are doing our due diligence. This boom was inspected and certified on November 15 of 2011. We are communicating with the manufacture and working effortlessly to find answers, our intent is to provide the facts and educate our industry on potential accidents that can be prevented hence saving limb or life.