pumpon | 08-08-2007 | comment profile send pm notify |
i have a dilema , one of our concretors is so paranoid he thinks the slick prime i use effects the concrete , i pump about a full hopper of concrete out of pour area when i first prime out, and i put the prime in a t piece i have on deckline just ahead of 45deg bend so i dont mix or put any prime in hopper to have effect on concrete concreteor reckons that the first load takes longer to set then second or third loads they want me to use water for prime , but i am worried ive never used anything for 7yrs except slick willie or similar |
littlepumper | 08-08-2007 | reply profile send pm notify |
water mixed with the hyd. oil I spray on sides of hopper always has worked for me..... So far! |
pumpon | 08-08-2007 | reply profile send pm notify |
do you's think after a hopper full it should be out of system on a 32m? |
Many | 08-09-2007 | reply profile send pm notify |
mmm a look at left sidebar from one of our sponsors "pump primers" may shed some light. |
Todd | 08-09-2007 | reply profile send pm notify |
I would call the guys at Fritz Pak. They are really nice guys and will give you the data you are looking for to give to your contractor showing them what happens to the Concrete. At least that way you come off looking like a pro. http://www.fritzpak.com/ I like the fritz pak guys. Not only do they support this site but they give out free samples and are really nice people. I personally think their product is much better and I personally think the company is much better also. I trust Fritz-Pak
Bob | 08-09-2007 | reply profile send pm notify |
The Fritz-pack people are professional; no question. They make a product that has been tested, and is reliable. It will not change the concrete. What does change the concrete, pizz off contractors and destroy the water - cement ratio in the first load is USING TOO MUCH WATER on the prime. The commercial prime products have specific directions as to use. If these directions are followed the result will be: 1. No plug while charging lines 2. No decrease in strength or set time of starting area 3 Satisfied customer Face it guys, we are probably all guilty of going crazy on the water and causing the finishers to put the machine on the slab at an 'other than' starting spot. They get mad because it has happened to them before. They are just trying to prevent the precentable problems. Don't use water. Don't use bentonite. Use a commercially/professionally manufactured priming agent or ready mix grout. |
Derputzmeister | 08-09-2007 | reply profile send pm notify |
If you do prime with water, like I always do, I never have used anything else....simple fill your hopper with concrete, if it is very dry, lightly spray water on the concrete as it comes down the mixer shoot. to give it more moisture to wet the pipes. Then open your prime port (hopefully you have one) and pump about 1 and a quarter strokes very slow, just before the concrete reaches the prime port stop and put about 2 gallons of water in front of the concrete, place prime port back on securely and begin pumping. If your boom is longer than 36 meter you may want to use more water in front of the mud. Works great everytime. I do believe the main reason it works for me is that I always suck two sponges when cleaning....sponge, bucket of water, sponge, keeps your pipes minty fresh. Then the prime is so much easier. |
pumpon | 08-09-2007 | reply profile send pm notify |
does anyone think that the diesel in hopper maybe effects that first truck? |
Bob | 08-10-2007 | reply profile send pm notify |
Pumpon, I think that it is like everything. If you do it correctly, and don't overdo it there will be no negative effect. I have watched operators put their finger over the diesel pump nozel and spray a gallon of diesel all over and into the hopper; they do the same with the hydraulic oil. I am sure that the concrete that is mixed with all that extra oil is pure junk. But a light misting of (whatever) will not hurt a thing. They spray the forms; we spray the hopper for the same reason. Operators like DerPutz are reasonable with the water, few are. We are usually our own worst enemy. ;~) |
DavidO | 08-10-2007 | reply profile send pm notify |
Pumpon, First, I think there needs to be a distinction made. Slick-Pak and Slick Willie are two separate products. Slick-Pak is made by my company, Fritz-Pak Corporation, located in Dallas, TX. Slick Willie is a product from Prime-A-Pac, located in Smyrna, GA. I know the names are very similar, and a lot of times people get them confused, so I don't know if you've been using us or them. But I can at least tell you about our product. Slick-Pak has been thoroughly tested over the years, and we can assure you that it has no significant effect on set time at all. Here is the TEST DATA from our website if you want to see for yourself. Another poster on here did point out the difference in slump when using a pump primer. That is true, and our test results do confirm that. My guess is that the concretor is noticing a difference in slump and attributing that to a change in set time. However, the test results show that our product does not have that effect on concrete, and it would be pretty easy to replicate the test small scale and prove it yourself. If you have any other questions or comments, please post them here or you can email me at davidojeda@fritzpak.com
pumpon | 08-11-2007 | reply profile send pm notify |
because you use water as prime , do you have to give alot more volume or throttle (speed) to get the mud as quick up first and 2nd stage? |
Many | 08-11-2007 | reply profile send pm notify |
Hi Dave,for the last year I carry my juju bag.What's inside? your products.For those all memorable moments when I screw up (not often).They truely are heaven sent. |
Slavedattler | 08-11-2007 | reply profile send pm notify |
Well interesting stuff , but water for me, If they are fussy I prime either on a pile of dirt or back into mixer, simple and fail safe. Allot more involved but water prime is not the way according to the acpa. Primed 50m many times with water only. And 2inch rock mix. Never in 30 years has it caught before tapper, hmm sorry thompsens were weak hmm maybe that was a fish tale. |
bigboom | 08-13-2007 | reply profile send pm notify |
have water primed my 61 many times dont like doing it but it can be done. even dont it with 3 inch bridge mix. i like to use slik pac |
Derputzmeister | 08-13-2007 | reply profile send pm notify |
Vasa, Brilliant, that is the way I am doing it from now on....that way I am "ready" when the truck arrives...... |