Endhose Question
Dipstick 04-19-2011
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Anyone know how long an endhose lasts without being used and laying outside in rain, cold, dry, sunnshine, etc? Do they dry out?? Is it much difference from storing them inside??

I asked for a new endhose last friday. Got one that was laying there for quite a while already.. but it looked like is was almost never used. Monday after 2 m3 off slightly harsh mix it exploded.. There wasn't even a blockage..

boony 04-19-2011
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car tyres have a shelf life of 6 yearss so it stands to reason end hoses would have an expiry date.could be just an imperfection though.

PUMBO 04-19-2011
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the biggest killer for tyres hoses rubber products is UV rays from the sun. If you store them, store them away from direct sunlight and weather conditions, and preferably sprinkle some chalk dust on them. 

mrpumpy 04-19-2011
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hey dipstick, het kan ook zijn dat die nieuwe darm opzij gelegd is door een andere pompist omdat er een productiefout inzat! ik heb een paar jaar geleden een stel nieuwe 65mm darmen besteld en bij de eerste keer dat ik die darm gebruikte, kwam er een rare twist in die darm en ik heb hem ook meteen op de afvalhoop gegooid maar "bazen" gooien niet graag nieuwe darmen weg he? als het een originele schwing was geweest dan werd die vergoed maar deze was besteld in namaak. - it could easely be that the hose had a constructionfailor, wrong wind of the steel cordon, for instance. i had one some years ago that had a strange twist in it at the first use so i trew it with the garbage! bosses don't like to trow away new hoses do they?

Many 04-19-2011
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Unfortunatly all rubber can and will weathercheck,also braiding in hoses will rot.Weather such as sun,cold,heat all are factors.Hoses can and do have weak spots,nothings perfect.This is all speculation,there is a chance a slight plug did happen (momentary) which may not have been caught.The burst rating is very low on braided hose,could be.

There are a few here that worked on the Regan library in DC,that was a tough mix.That schwing 8000 (electric) could burst 5" pipe 1200' away and never let you know.In response,bet you got that new hose.

Dipstick 04-19-2011
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It might indeed have been a production failure.. We have a very bad system lately where all the old and the new stuff is on one big pile..And yes.. Our boss NEVER throws ANYTHING away unless it bursts, explodes or kills a man.. The old hose I took off is on the same pile. I think i should put a anglegrinder in it.. Luckaly we just got a new daily leader and he seem to be much wizer...

But it did look like it was an old hose. Much rust on the flenses. More than i've ever seen before. In adition we figured out it was used under seawater.. That might have done some bad. My guess is the hose was used under sea about 4-7 years ago and after that it has been laying there.

By the way murph.. You call hoses GUTS ?? Funny ;-) I like the belgium language..

mrpumpy 04-19-2011
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you call it snake? so what?

Many 04-19-2011
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Along those same lines I wonder what these people know.


Many 04-19-2011
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In case nobody read into that comes a question.Just how many booms does one see into salt water?

rusty22 04-20-2011
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Road salt!

Dipstick 04-20-2011
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You're right there Mr Murph ;-)