Enough said. I hope nobody was hurt.
Todd 03-29-2013
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ruck 03-29-2013
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I don't get it. Every picture of a pump on its side, They are short rigged. When we going to learn, when someone dies?

Many 03-29-2013
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Common ruck,there just making way for all that used iron sitting around Cool

concreteluvr 03-29-2013
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Somtimes we have a Mixer Driver one job same day and a pump operator the next job. Not sure in this case but.......

Mister_Perkins 03-29-2013
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wow, really dumb

putzman1975 03-29-2013
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looks like pump owned by redi mix company named cemex.

Mister_Perkins 03-29-2013
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Looks like the dude didnt have either rear outriggers out, or the other front pad, plus the damn front outrigger is planted on the edge of a concrete wall?!

N.D.Fuccillo 03-29-2013
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No excuse for that. Move that container or run some sections of groundline

ShortStik 03-29-2013
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Dont need one 03-30-2013
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Dont see outrigger on wall its 8 feet inside building. Rear outriggers are short rigged. Does look like it says CEMEX on the side. In my opinion the name on the truck might tell you the whole story. Just my opinion.

Dont need one 03-30-2013
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Oh your right that outrgger is on wall, sorry.

Z-Boom_Parks 04-01-2013
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Is it just me or does it seem like there is a lack of training these days with operators coming into the industry or are all the vets being worked to hard and making avoidable mistakes?

Dont need one 04-02-2013
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Both , Training isn't the only problem. Over worked employee's is one of the worst issue's. A company's best emplyee can do every thing faster and safer so they run their ass off. Training is alway's a key issue when it's busy. The other key issue is the person you are training. Over the last 20 years I have noticed, the forgien [person from another country] to be better because they want to be here, and make a good living. A lot of the white kids who grew up on x box, tv, and whatever else Are just fat and lazy. I'm not trying to hurt anybody's feeling's but it,s true here. And they alway's need a pat on the back. Just my opinion.