entertain far too easly
ShortStik 11-04-2009
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havnt seen one of these in about 4 years.  6m3 batched fresh before the pump.  i guessing the mixer is more set for a trailer pump mix.  came back to the hoppper to find a 2-3" slump of sand and cement with a little bit of rock.  "what a dream mix.  its alright to put in more rock with 5"inch boom pipes". hehe.  pump ate it up and spat it out as easly as a redy-mix. 


looked good at the start.  think the pump was too fast the mixer.  was pump pretty much dead slow, and the only way for the mixer to keep up was to keep it dry.  ??  fun stuff, always nice to see something different. 

TooTall 11-04-2009
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 One thing nice about'em... Onsite mix adjustments! "Hey my pump's grunting pretty hard how'bout a little more cement and a pinch of sand please?"

 I've only backed in one of those rigs and a girl was driving it. But I'm pretty sure she had a girl waiting at home for her. She knew her $hite though!

murf 11-04-2009
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we got hem too, there ok if you use one who uses sand and stone seperate ,but them that use ballast its usually crap that comes out, as for the recycled ones dont bother even trying!!!!  If you are using one tip the first 3 barrows straight on the deck ,as they can never get the first bit right.

Seed 11-05-2009
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Is that Speedy's old ride?

marko 11-05-2009
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these things are great and you can sit there all day with it and its still fresh

precision pumped 11-05-2009
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i have four of them but i keep my super clean and all wipers tight so no crap falls of the back, as far as concrete goes its better than what comes off a ready mix truck, if i am local i can pour 35+ an hour i know its not massive but for 75% of my customers its more than they can handle, plus i can change slump fast than you can blink, makes pumping concrete easy :)

kiwi 11-05-2009
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also, you have two make sure, they put enough cement in as well , or it will bleed within minutes i know happened to me on a sat morning 100ft 4in two sections of boom water bled out by the time it took to swap trucks around, took 4 hours to clean then they wanted me to start again???

as they all stood there watching me i told them to wheel barrow i am off to my yard to put it back together and that took 3 hours

murf 11-05-2009
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Precision p- did you get sorted in the end????

Slinger 11-05-2009
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I have these trucks supplying to me 95% of the time. The company I work for owns 8 of these and I even find myself on one when pumping is slow or if someone is sick. If you get the right guy on the truck that actually knows what he is doing and takes care of his truck you might get a small pile of dry material around his hopper and that is all. These trucks are great for residential use because you can change the slump in a heart beat or even the strength of the concrete just by adjusting the gates to allow more or less material to mix with the powder because the powder flow always remains constant. As for speed if you know you are on a large pour and using these trucks just set yourself up so 2 or 3 trucks can empty out at the same time and speed will never be issue. I can unload our trucks in under 15 mins and 3 of them I can do in under 8 mins. Although I must say our trucks don't look near as messy as that one.