ever had a 'funny' injury?
Bob 11-19-2008
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Getting hurt at work is no joke. It costs you money and it costs the company.

In the spirit of “Every cloud has a silver lining” I remembered one that gave more smiles than not.

The guy in question comes into the yard and up to the office; he has a big ‘goose egg’ right above his forehead. When you looked at it, it made you wince.

So how did that happen?

“Well, I was trying to find a plug [trailer pump x 3” hose] and I was hitting the hose with the hammer trying to find the hard spot and the hammer bounced off and hit me on the head.”

Perhaps you had to ‘be there’ to appreciate it but the guy felt he had been attacked by a self propelled hammer, it wasn’t his fault. I laughed for an hour and years later still get a smile of appreciation; not from the injury but the explanation. ;~)

ruck 11-19-2008
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OK, I shound not be telling you this story.But.I was a rookie tring to put the wedge in the assend of pump with a 2 pounder, and missed,Broke my thumb.Ok you stop laughing now.I bet you a dollar I never did htat again.


Bob 11-19-2008
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I can't even smile at that one. I too have hit myself on the thumb trying to close a clamp, yeouch!

TooTall 11-19-2008
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Its OK Ruck, I've done the same thing so many times I still cannot hitch-hike very well.

A couple summers ago I showed up on a job that was on inspection hold. I decided to take the time to wash my pump. I was scrubbing the turret when I slipped and splatted on the ground like a newborn geraffe! I bounced to my feet to see just how many people saw this. Though it was hard to see as I was covered in suds that burned my eyes, sure enough there was 2 laborers leaning on their shovel's laughing their asses off. I shot them a friendly "finger", washed myself off and carried on...

Again I had the line-boy (Igore) with me having 200' of line off the end of the boom. He was washing hose directly under the right rear outrigger, He quickly stood up and knocked himself out-cold! After 20~30 seconds of slobbering slumber, he sprang to his feet and continued to wash and load hose like nothing happened! There's nothing tougher than a line-pumper!

TooTall 11-19-2008
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Hey Bob, Is that a picture of "Brer Rabbit"? Cuz me and the Brer family go way back. They're all friends of my "Uncle Remus"

Mudslinger 11-19-2008
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Well I dont think it was very funny,but the laborers did! I was working on the ferry building (yes I spelled it right) in SF many moons ago! I was trying to unload pipe while standing on hose,and lost my balance. I dropped the pipe on the 3rd finger on my right and split it open! Then I fell off the truck! I stood up and was holding my hand with my left hand in that pain we all seem to know,and I saw what I thought was white paint and I used my teeth to pull it off.What I pulled was a sliver of bone,and when I realized what it was,I passed out,landing directly on my chin,cutting it open! By the time the day was over I had 9 brand new stitches,and a weeks supply of percoset! Ya'll stay SAFE now, ya hear!!! By the way,did I ever tell you how much I love my job...