excess grease
JohnThomas 02-08-2008
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I grease my boom once a month, but how do i get the excess grease out? should i wash it off then grease it? how many squirts should i put in each zert?

Bob 02-08-2008
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I appreciate operators that hand grease their booms. When they are done they have given the boom a good visual inspection which may catch an early problem.

To get back to fresh, you should get a brush and some rags and some Looooong rubber gloves and clean each joint with solvent. You can then wash the entire boom with good soap & HOT WATER.

If you grease it once a month you need not put more than a shot or two in each zirk. Always wipe the top of the zirk off before you put the grease gun on it; forcing dirt into the pins and bushings is not good practice. After greasing one area wipe any excess grease off with a clean rag dampened with a little solvent.

OR...... ask OE - 3 how he does it; his boom is cleaner than mine ever was. ;~)

shrek52z 02-08-2008
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Jt, can\'t help you there, pump has auto greasers. I just passed thru your area, Taking a trip to amarillo.

OE Local 3 02-08-2008
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Send me an e-mail ... Its a highly classified technique! LOL :-) 

Bob, thanks for the compliment....

