Fellow pumpers please say a prayer.
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Please say a prayer for my lil sister and her family, they just lost their home to a fire bright and early this Christmas morning. They just bought the home eight months ago and had 2 home inspections done, neither home inspector said anything about the fact that the individual who had put the metal roof on prior to them purchasing it had taken the stove pipe for the gas fireplace off at the roofline and roofed over it, so not knowing this they decided it would be nice to enjoy the first Christmas with the kids in their new home sitting beside the fire, they lit the fireplace and 2 hours later their homeless.  While I am grateful they are safe, I am angry at the negligence of the roofer and the home inspectors that told them their new home would be safe.

Dipstick 12-26-2014
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Thats very sad. What a thing to happen during christmas Surprised I wish them good luck!

Todd 12-26-2014
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So sad, we will pray for them.

Beast 12-29-2014
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this is sad , I just bought a new home and cringe just thinking about losing everything , maybe we could setup some kind of fund to help ? Todd would this be possible ?

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I appreciate the thought Beast but they're going to be fine, they were fully insured and the VFD that reponded did an amazing job of making sure they got their things out. The house was most likely a total loss but most of their personal belongings were saved by firemen rushing in and out grabbing everything they could save before they sprayed too much water.

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Update on their situation, they are going to make out pretty good with what the insurance company is doing for them. Thanks for the prayers guys and gals (if there are any lady pumpers out there) . ot going to get into their personal biz with details, but this def was one of those blessings in disguise for them.

Todd 01-01-2015
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Well i hope all this makes them stronger, glad things worked out.