Fire blamed on arson, Molotov cocktails into the cabs of concrete pumps
Todd 03-06-2008
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Wed, March 5, 2008

Fire blamed on arson

UPDATED: 2008-03-05 13:36:56 MST


Someone set several pricey trucks parked outside a Foothills Industrial business on fire early today, causing about $6 million in damage, say arson investigators.

Now detectives are trying to find out who threw apparent Molotov cocktails into the cabs of concrete pumpers and other vehicles parked behind the fenced Giusti Group of Companies warehouse at 3504 64 Ave. S.E.

Arson Det. Robin Greenwood said the blaze spread to the 25,000 sq. ft building but, despite causing about $300,000 in damage, was fortunately limited after fire crews arrived.

“We’re lucky the fire wasn’t any bigger,” Greenwood said.

When it was done, the cabs of several trucks including three cement pumper trucks, valued at about $700,000 apiece, were destroyed.


The arsonist or arsonists also set one flat-bed truck and a half-tone on fire.

“It’s definitely arson and it’s early in the investigation but we’ve gathered a lot of evidence from the scene,” Greenwood said.

“We definitely do feel they used an accelerant in the cab of the trucks ... it looks like Molotov cocktails.”

Yesterday, investigators were talking to neighboring businesses to try to determine who would want to target the warehouse where workers do condominium pre-fabrication and concrete pumping.

Anyone with information is asked to call the arson unit at 206-8635 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477.

Doug 03-06-2008
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Where was this at? Colorado?

Bob 03-06-2008
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The crime stoppers # is a 206 area code

Sea' WA

Todd 03-06-2008
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I think this is in Calgary or Alberta.

I got the story from

Bigstickman 03-06-2008
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someone must have goten fired and took it hard

Todd 03-07-2008
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Sorry for your loss guys, i hope you catch who ever did this.

Many 03-07-2008
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I'm simply amazed at this,I can feel for your loss.I only hope this is not a virus.