Follow Murphy's Law!
Leroy 11-15-2008
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If you need off early, pack a huge lunch, an extra pair of socks and tell dispatch to stack'em up!...You'll be home by 1:00!  

If you need some hours, Bring no food or drink and tell'em you need off by 1:00... You'll be on the same job til 7:00 pm!

WHO?? 11-16-2008
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Absolutely!!! When I have some thing I need to do after work I don't get off until 9:30 that night. Could be 5 hours a day till I need off early then it's LATE AS HELL.....I call it ..."Mike has shit to do radar"

WHO?? 11-16-2008
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Yeah that s why I never get upset or even TRY to plans any more just .....roll with it!!!!

TooTall 11-16-2008
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Had a guy quit one time and went to work for another outfit because" he could'nt take the hours." I told him "you can go shop around but it is part of the job description and the only thing that changes much is the color of the iron." He was back before too long but still fights it???