For murf and in writing
SIXdaysAweek 04-01-2009
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chico777 04-01-2009
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Thats the point, the ground has to be solid no curbs no holes just plain terrain. Thats the most important thing nothing else.

chico777 04-01-2009
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And second, your pics showing your pump seems to me neither a 32or 26m pump. Looks like the smallest pump ive seen. Now you cant compare to others can you? Well buddy dont compare cows with bulls!.

SIXdaysAweek 04-01-2009
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You guys wanted it in writing from a manufacturer and here it is. This is for a 20m but its also in the 24m, 28m, and the 31m putz manuals.

chico777 04-01-2009
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Holy crab i would like to see that one for a 32m Putz, conc,alliance and schwing.

chico777 04-01-2009
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I already sended a message to putz wondering what they reply. Putz germany.

Many 04-01-2009
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Sounds like murf might have gotten a bad rap,a little common sense will go a long way.

chico777 04-01-2009
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Hi Many, normally i do what it takes to be done, but i am like a pitbull on some stuff and then i go deep within to find the right answer and, yes there is always a answer for stuff like that.

ruck 04-01-2009
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I will be the first to say sorry.BUT, You will never see me or anyone I'm with move a pump with the boom out of the cradle. I hope everything goes ok.Everyone have a nice day.



rusty22 04-01-2009
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an old 2001 trick  a broken spring somtimes

chico777 04-01-2009
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To Rusty22, good point. And who pays for that, a broken spring?. Not the crew on site, your boss or you. So the cash you made on that job is gone for the parts and time that the mechanic was out of duty to help you.

Many 04-01-2009
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Oh ok,lets face it this is not an everyday task.I can personally tell everyone this has been going on for years with the smaller booms ie 31m or less.I have yet to read about how how a pump tipped because of pulling into a building,yeah I guess a variable.

I would wager a guess that 99% of the accidents in our industry is operator error/inattention of some sort.My bookie would take that bet!!!

Mudwrestler 04-01-2009
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Some of you guys should go back to diving mixer trucks.

murf 04-01-2009
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ruck, cheers, respect to all of you out there that participate on here , it shows you have passion for what you do.

ShortStik 04-02-2009
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right on SixDaysAweek!!  pretty cool that putz was thinking about this when they put the pump on the truck.  did the manual say if the 32Z-4 and the 31Z-5 were good to have ove the nose? WOW thats around 18 000 KGs (empty) on the front axle (single). 

As an operator, id still be calling the office and let them know.  I do not own the pump.  i asked once and "NO" was the reply, so that move is out of the inventory (for now)  

THX SIXdaysAweek.

Drew AUS 04-02-2009
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Nice work six ! There you have it its a FACT that you can do it!

Chico , mate give it up , it can be done its as simple as that .. It dont look right but a lot of things dont look right !!

Hey murf nice pics LOL

chico777 04-03-2009
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You know what? Its not my pump.

SUPERDOFFER 04-03-2009
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chico here is somthing from putz

chico777 04-03-2009
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Hey superdoffer thanks that you show that only for me. I really like personal treatment. Thanks. The driveway where the trucks are on looks pretty flat and stable. And prob. the hopper is full of concrete. But the most interesting point is "flat and stable". Hey Super have you read somewhere over here that this move is not working? I didnt. If you feel good with that kind of move and the circumstances allow you to do that and if your boss is ok with that . Hey do it.

Bear 04-03-2009
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The only part that I didn't see in there is that you are suposed to block up the sespention useing 4x4s. Even though not very many people do. 

RAT 07-15-2009
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i have seen a guy move a 28 meter boomed flat out over the front all three sections..... lifted outriggers and drove forward about 20 feet in the building...