friday the 13th
pumpboss28 03-14-2009
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i curse and hate friday the 13th we spent all week forming a wall only for the boom pump to blow it out on friday very messy but we got it fixed and looking good but we didnt finish until 2 in the morning but hey what else can ya do

crazycreter 03-14-2009
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I've rowed that boat before... dont think it had much to do with the date though...

what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, chicks dig scars, yada yada yada

WHO?? 03-14-2009
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How did the "boom pump" blow it out??

ShortStik 03-15-2009
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i am also curious how the boom pump blew out your wall?

pumpboss28 03-15-2009
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i didnt mean litterally the pump blew the wall it was a rushed job and it didnt take the pump long at all to get around it. hell i guess it just couldnt hold the weight of the mud. man you guys are like vultures. lol WHAT THE HELL YOU TRYING TO SAY ABOUT BOOM OPERATORS LMAO