Friday's Boom Party
crazycreter 09-13-2008
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Last pour of the day, a cute little grade wall with  slab. Perfect for a friday at 3:30

As I stop from the action after the pour is done, three things happen at the same time. One finisher is trying to install an anchor plate and yells 'hot mud'  the operator's eyes are as big as saucers, I look into the reducer and the ball is still there. We're stuck. Time 4:08

By 4:15 I'm taking the back end apart. When I open it up , not one rock falls, its solid

We have it put back together by 9:00

Looking back, the rmt was right empty and the last four or five strokes came out like a tube of toothpaste, and pretty much stayed that way, could hardly stick a vebrator in. Could old crete stay in the bottom of the truck???This stuff was hot!!!


zuat150 09-13-2008
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On a friday afternoon chances are you got part of a load that was batched around 12:00 if not earlier. but it is good to here you survived.