Funny how things work
drunkendave 09-16-2010
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Yesterday we got a 9-11 call to be onsite asap an hour away. Showed up (crew was late) & did the job. While cleaning out the guy the guy keeps bitchin to me that we charge too much. He calls dispatch & continues to complain yet books the pump for another job. While STILL whining at the second job, he was standing on the landing ofthe stairs going into basement, when the FOUR nails holding the landing together let go & the old boy came crashing down & was banged up pretty good. Im not the kind to wish harm to most people but atleast he quit whining about our rates!

Many 09-17-2010
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Often refered to as poetic justic,grin

Matthew 09-17-2010
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All I can say is sit back at enjoy. It's not often we get to witness bad karma in physical form. Smile and enjoy!