Gateway Upgrade Project Largest Concrete Pour
jonno 11-24-2009
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The $1.88 billion Gateway Upgrade Project is the largest bridge and road project in Queensland’s history.

A state government initiative, the project is being delivered by Queensland Motorways with design and construction by the Leighton Abigroup Joint Venture


1 November 2008 one of the largest pours structures scheduled for the Gateway project. This involved the placement of 2500 cubic meters of concrete to one of the many bridge decks. This required the use of 5 large mobile boom pumps (3 x47m

booms,1 x 42m boom, and 1 x 40m boom). this link has a couple of other video and animation that are pretty cool.


<embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="">

jonno 11-24-2009
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Sorry about the 3 posts, I think I had it right the first time but thought I could get the video up as a clickable image link? Second time posted wrong link, so the third time just posted the same as the first.

jonno 11-25-2009
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Drew AUS 11-25-2009
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Nice job johnno !! I love watching the time laps!

Joemal 11-25-2009
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Good one Jonno .Was it your 40 on the Gateway job

jonno 11-26-2009
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Thanks guys, I just found the link on our meales site, thought it was worth sharing. No KING CONC on that pour unfortunately, the three yellow booms are from our Windsor yard and the two white ones were from the Sunshine coast I think.