Genious George
Rev 04-25-2014
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So i was fortunate enough to have George look at my P50

It took him all of about 15 minutes to diagnose the problem with it

He says check the little check valve and sure enough it blows both ways

Wow lucky me So thanks again George

And an even bigger thanks to Rob for facilitating the diagnosis

Now all we need is more wind and warmer temperatures

Dipstick 04-26-2014
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Isn't it great with these kind of guys that safe your day? I had a hydrolic closing valve that I could not get to work. The whole next days poor was depending on that closing valve. My good man Tore Gaustad came to help me (3 hour drive late at the day)  He came to the brilliant idea that maybe the electrics where conected the wrong way so the electric motor was going the opposite direction.. Wow I would have never thought about that one. just switch the + and - and of we where Cool