get off my turf!!
burl 01-30-2009
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The other day while pumping for one of our better customers, I noticed a stranger chatting and pressing the flesh with the owner of the finishing crew.  He later spoke to me and hauled ass off the job site once I found out he was a salesman for another pump company that is located about 6 hours away.  I promptly called my boss and told him that he had the nerve to try to steal our work and customers right in the middle of a pour.  My boss later called the salesman and pretended to be a contractor with a big pour that needed to be looked at.  The "imaginary job" was about 4 hours away and the salesman was to call my boss "the contractor"  back when he got close to the city.  After driving for 4 hours he called back, my boss told him who he really was and tore the guy a new one.  Work has been rare and times are tough but that got me laughing and made everything better.  I know its cut-throat out there but it would be nice to have a little respect  for each other.

Seed 01-31-2009
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Your boss is a funny man Burl!