Get your Red hot tee shirts. Tee shirts are now up for sale
Todd 12-06-2008
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Please let me know if you have any problems buying them and if you are in Canada or out side of the USA email me and you can buy them directly from me. If you are inside the USA please buy them here.

Thank you all very much for your support.

Go-To 12-07-2008
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Hi Todd. It's me, Gordy(go to) Park from Calgary, Ab, Canada. We talked on the ph the other day. I need 2 XXL, and 1 L, for now. Who do I make the money order out to and where do I send it. It's $20us/shirt and how much for shipping?

Thanks Todd and keep up the good work!

ps. try not to forget the stickers for my hardhat.

Todd 12-07-2008
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its $20,00 per shirt USD and I dont know for shipping maybe $15.00 or so for shipping.

Send payment to

Digital Insight

7763 Barstow St. Ventura Ca, 93004

Make sure you put a return address and what you want in the payment. Includeing your phone #.

I can do this for anyone outside of the USA.

Todd 12-08-2008
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19 shirts sold so far. Not bad for the first week.

TooTall 12-11-2008
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For those of you like myself who are leary of using your credit card on-line. Getting a "pre-paid" credit card is a good solution and secure. You can get them from check cashing places like "Money Tree" and load only the amount you wish to spend?

Todd 12-11-2008
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Good idea 2tall.

I just got news that the shirts got shipped to me today so i might have them a bit sooner. Sweet.

eddie 12-20-2008
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Money order for two shirts and a CD went out today. Thanks Todd