Great day fishing
Tank 04-10-2012
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My catch of the day

1 @ 39 inches and 24 lbs   and

1 @ 38 inches and 20 lbs

At Brigantine NJ

b-alto 04-10-2012
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Wow! very nice. What kind are they.

Also we need the story:)

rusty22 04-11-2012
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Nice Stipers Tank,I have had a good week on the beach surf fishing in Manasquan with clams.

pumpin man 04-11-2012
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Nice catch Tank, we call that bait over here on the west coast!!

ALMIMA 04-11-2012
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What a monsterfish´s! Was it a hard fight to catch them?

biged 04-11-2012
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Salt water Stripers and fresh water also, Brian if was to hook one in your ice hud it would drag you all over the ice.

Tank 04-11-2012
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@ d-alto They are striper or striped bass. 4 of us got to the beach around 6 am. We surf fished the incoming tide all morning with no luck, hit high tide at noon, soon after the tide shifted I hook the biggest one. After about 15 minutes of showing off and getting pictures I rebaited ,cast out and within 5 minutes I had the second one on the line. I was a bit disappointed at the lack of fight they had. when surf fishing as soon as you get them into the shallow water they don’t have much fight. I think they put up a better fight when your in a boat. Out of the 4 of us these 2 where the only catch so I have to host the fish fry on Friday night. ( I think it might have been the hoodie )
@ pumpin man lol. I am dreaming of coming to the west cost to fish for some salmon. Can you hook me up?
@ Almima When surf fishing they have very little fight due to the shallow water but still a lot of fun.
Ps Dinner is at 6:30 Friday night

pumpin man 04-11-2012
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I was just kidding Tank, I love fishing; we do got some nice salmon here. Happy pumping!!!

Todd 04-12-2012
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Request for hoodies have been comming in from fisherman all over the USA. Just to clarify, hoodies do not make you a better fisherman they only keep you warm and good looking.

b-alto 04-12-2012
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Yeah the tide is the ticket when it comes to ocean fishing. Looks like you know what your doing.

High tide was best down in SO Fl, moving water preferably. I used to live down there on the intercoastal.

Tank 04-13-2012
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Sorry Todd I’m afraid it’ll take a lot more then a hoodie to make me look good, but it did keep me warm.

ALMIMA 04-14-2012
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Do you realy mean that that monsterfish´s is a bass??? A bass in Sweden has a wheigh about as much as a big mac hamburger has...... from a company that i don´t have to make a big deal about.

I only mean all the basses i catch. And we live in the innerarchepilago, a strip (300 ft) from the sea at the eastcoast of Sweden - 10 km south-east of Stockholm. I´m a fishingguy, but what steroid do your basses in the USA go on? If i only once in my lifetime could scare the shit out of my wife, whith a catch like that.

I hope you all noticed that i love my wife.

ALMIMA 04-14-2012
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Not even our Swedish northsea salmon or cod are as big as your monsters you catch. Can it be that the governor or the "govenator" of California has urinated (peed) in the lake that you catch your steroidmonsters? Just asking. 

RG 04-25-2012
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nice fish.