Hat design
b-alto 12-22-2009
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Anyone know of a company that makes hats and shirts? Maybe one that already has a pump truck clip art or design they could incorporate my name to. All I need is a pump truck with my company name under it. I've been trying for a while and its not that easy. Most designers are unfamiliar with pump trucks.

Todd 12-22-2009
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I have a guy who crated the Merry Christmas and my tee shirt. I might be able to get him to do it but he will charge you 300 bucks or so for the design work.

biged 12-22-2009
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Brian give me a call the guy that makes all of my shirts is real good and very reasonable.

B.S. 12-22-2009
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sportexapparel.com larry deutsch or 800-486-8677 very good thats where i get mine from

typesdubs 12-22-2009
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2.95guys.com they did one for us was fantastic. look under construction and concrete.