Have you ever had one of those days....
mytfynsunshine 01-29-2009
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Damn, Sorry to hear that man. Hope you feel better soon.

Drew AUS 01-29-2009
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Hmmm your right m8 , ive had one of those days !

After work at a friends working on his boat i had three drinks and decided to let my other friend who lived right next door to me drive he hadent had a drink, coming out of the estate he lives in, we got T boned buy a drunk driver, he did the runner but got caught an hour later he blew .23 , witch is 5 times over the legal limit he hit us at 90km we were ok , well we could walk lol

So your right no matter what you do theres always going to be some idiot around to spoil your day!


Bob 01-29-2009
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It must be true that God watches out for children and drunks. The rest of us are on our own. ;~)


Slinger 01-29-2009
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Must be nice to pump indoors. I had to do 400' of 5 foot ICF wall in that mess. At least you are ok,they make steel and plastic everyday to fix your car. Good Luck.

38zman 01-30-2009
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Hey I am ok lots of big bruises and stiff but I will survive but what made yesterday awesome was the T shirts arrived from Todd and all the stickers.  Car will be repaired in a week damm did you know that new air bags are expensive......

ShortStik 01-30-2009
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Z-man - hope i never have to find out.  good to hear you're in one piece.  not the nicest way but at least you'll get a short break from the cold.  heal fast