Havent been here much
Tiago40m 10-25-2008
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Hey hows everyone doing???

Havent here in a long time, i am doing around 65+ hours everyweek i been really tired to come here after work. I been working in New York City on that same job i posted pictures of before.

I'm really excited for this week because the G C got permits to shut-down the street where i am working, so i'm able to bring there the 52m concord and pump the 14 floor/roof.( 300yds) i'm just going to park it in the midle of the street and take over all the space i need, so i can prevent any kind of accident from happening such as ( shortrring, unknown underground and other situations). Wish me luck

You guys will deff get alot of pictures....

Once again great job CONCORD,  i love that new pump
and a big thanks to EVAN you helped alot too on getting that new pump in service. I hope to see you sometime soon...

Tiago40m 10-25-2008
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this is the stree we going to shutdown

only1putz 10-25-2008
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have you been having good luck with your concord? friend of mine has been pumping for 20+ years and has recently started running concords. his words " i'm paying for all of my sins". says the boom is like a snake; all over the place. it also shifts hard and compared it to a Morgan. they have a 38 and a 50. hope you have better luck than him.

TooTall 10-25-2008
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These days when you dont hear from someone for a while you hope its because he's too busy and not because his internet got shut off. (Its the first to go on my list) lol.

Hey oneputz Tell your buddy to throttle down a bit, make sure the dude's got his boom dialed in proper. If its a 38 & a 50 they've got multi phase parameter adjustments and once dailed in they're dreamboats. I'd bet he's a Schwing man? Tell him to throttle down 3 or 400 rpm's. Oh yeah tell him to let that back outrigger float a lil bit, Lets the truck absorb some o that shift-shock. lol!!

65m Petee 10-26-2008
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I had a foot blow out on me and have been at the house for about 7 weeks know and thank God Pumpco has been keeping my job.  I swore I was always going to be a schwing man but once I got on the 65 concord man, I dont want to run anything else.  TooTall said it, dial it in and that boom is sweet.  Good luck with that 52 it is preeeetty.  Oh yea,  that pump kit with 11" barrels will put the mud down.  I'll be out of work until Nov. 24 and I really miss my pump.  I wake up most nights at two in the morning dreaming of my hands being on the remote.  Damn I'm sick.

TooTall 10-26-2008
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Hey Petee, Ya better hobble in and check in on her. You know, Make sure the fella runn'n her's got a full oil can & see if the grease gun's been used or even moved. (lol). A polite way to remind em to keep her clean is to leave your scraper up on the dog house. I'm sick too. I've cut vacations short cause I knew my pump was gett'n the ol park & run every nite!

only1putz 10-26-2008
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he said that he has tried to leave the ass-end hard on the ground and floating as well... still no luck with the hard shift. he had somebody from concord with him for a week and tried to dial it in but "couldn't get the bugs worked out". i'll relay the throttle to him and suggest the adjustment you spoke of. he has run everything from thomsen, morgan, elba, squeeze crete, schwing and putz. hopefully he can figure it out.

Vasa 10-27-2008
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Isn´t the remote dialed in frome the factory ?

My Schwing is 7 year and I have not try to change something , it works like a clock !

ShortStik 10-27-2008
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omex have a facory default setting.

Bob 10-27-2008
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S. S.

That is a smart idea.