Having a "BAD Day" Says one ready mix driver
N2mud 08-02-2008
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I were pumping 400yd screed job Friday morning starting at 4:00am. the ready mix company were doing a real nice job of having trucks on time, and the slump consistent.The pour were going nice and smooth. ( and then the oops) Around 7:15am with about 70yds remaining, the trucks simply stopped coming. About 7:45 the foreman asked me if this were normal because of traffic in the area?I told him sometimes service does get a little slow, but the ready mix salesman on site said the trucks had left the plant 1 hour ago.(plant 20 min away) hmmm, time to locate trucks. GPS showed three trucks Parked on road just down the street from job. Coffee break?............. Salesman decided to drive out to street and take a look...UH-OH what the heck? Fire dept,Highway patrol,Hazmat team,all on site. Street Closed!!!.....Due to Concrete spill. Driver exited freeway and somehow Discharged 6to7 yds of concrete for 1/4 mile down the street,catching several cars on the way. Took about 2hrs to clean up the mess.The driver were cited by Highway patrol and I can only imagine he will need to update his resume

Raymond 08-02-2008
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That's awesome.

G Rock 08-02-2008
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That's a funny story, but come on! A hazmat crew for concrete!?  It's concrete not nuclear waste, scoop it up with a loader and move on!  My sympathies to the poor people with concrete on their cars though.

v-dawg 08-03-2008
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why didnt the other two mixer drivers go to the job ? what did they need to hold the idiots hand who spilled all the concrete ?

N2mud 08-04-2008
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Dawg,did you not read the "STREET CLOSED"sentence?

Vasa 08-04-2008
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Didn´t the mixerdrivers ask the police for help and get trough ?

We use to tell the police if We have concrete in the pump or mixers if the road is closed for some reason , and the police help us trough the jam or accident....

v-dawg 08-04-2008
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hey n2mud , i dont know where your from but here in cali we have more than one way to get to a job dude !!!!

N2mud 08-05-2008
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V-Dawg didn't mean to upset you, by the sounds of your response back to me .sorry bout that bro.I'll put it this way, there were only one way in,one way out.No side streets to access job.I guess i should have been more specific on explaining the situation.

mytfynsunshine 08-06-2008
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OOPS! You from VA? Sounds familiar lol!

v-dawg 08-06-2008
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no worries ! i was just givin you a hard time !! i just know how mixer drivers can be , not the smartest sometimes ya know !!

Rich c 08-08-2008
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I was pumping a deck at a Hospital in newport beach. A driver that had been there 2 time's already didn't look at his ticket befor he left the plant! He just thought he was going to the same job again, After unloading 8 yards of his 10 yds. He realized he was on the wrong job!!!! Shit hit the fan BIG TIME. We were placing 5000 pd mud, He had 3000!! They had to shovel down the hole area we had just pumped. And place new on top. The Funny part was not this LOL. He Was the clean up for a nother pump down the road LOL. And not only was he REALLY REALLY LATE!! He only had a few yds left LOL.