Health issues
Redman1 10-28-2011
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line pumper with a health question for you guys. I have pain in my wrists and numbness in my hands. Recently I noticed a lump on the underside of my wrist. I have been to the doctor and they seem to think it is from holding and pulling hose. Anyone ever had anything like this before?

biged 10-28-2011
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Todd 10-28-2011
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Might just be Ganglion cyst, my wife had one removed. I have in each wrist but i just live with it. He is right old age. Here is a link. Holding hose does not cause cyst as far as I know. Getting old does.

Many 10-28-2011
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In fact it could be frm several reasons,I would ask for a referal to a hand specialist.I have had 2 tests ran on my left wrist,an x ray,now waiting for the orthopedic clinic at va.

concreteluvr 11-01-2011
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Arthritis. Have it to. Just part of the gig. Knuckles swollen, hands lock up, lumps on joints.

Great stuff.