Help i want to understand!!
Ti-so 06-03-2009
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Yesterday i want for the firt time with my new pump a schwing 36 m 1997 a new pipes less than 300 yard pumped all new rubber seal. I did the poor about 10 m³ but last truck was a bit hard 3 inches slum and the concrete looked old but it was pumping.I tried to pump my ball back the didn t even move a inche .i drive to the concrete plan try to pump water it was to late so i start to take some elbows and section by section with air and ball .i saved the two last section .So this morning i am to have fun .Why it has not pump the ball back???Anything wrong with the pump


Ti-so 06-03-2009
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sorry for the mistake i just woke up and i do speak french so sorry

baddassduramax 06-03-2009
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sounds to me like you got some hot concrete and it got hard in your boom before you were able to clean it out.

Ti-so 06-03-2009
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That s what i think but is there any possibilities that it can be something wrong with my pump

Many 06-03-2009
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Procedures is all it's about.Remember the pump can be your best friend at a time like this.Spin your boom back over hopper and recirculate,adding water to wet the mud.Once your up to a 5-7" slump you should be able to pull a ball.

If you have to go to the plant to wash out add some soda/sugar water to kill the mud.The other operators have good insight as well,water washing is the other option.But first learn how to save your butt so it don't happen again.

Good Luck

Many 06-03-2009
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Lets see,mud hard to pump,3" slump,didn't look right.Your pump is most likely fine,you just got caught with your pants down.

Ti-so 06-03-2009
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ok but if i pump the maximum concrete out so i spit air so i don t even enough concrete to go threw the boom

any pump 2 06-03-2009
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next time put the boom over the hopper and pump it round and add a little water each circulation,when it looks wet enough pump it all out as much as you can.then put in reverse with the boom full sretch in the air after a couple of strokes bring the boom back down and put the ball in with out any water first.then when that has come back put water in the tip bend and put in another ball 

38zman 06-03-2009
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All the answers are correct but it could also be a combination of hot mud and you could have a small air leak to in one of your connections,also concrete plants always send crap at the end of a day they just do and dont give a sh.... about the pump even readymix companies that have pumps do it I have seen my share of it. and yes always keep a 2kg bag of suger with you or some liquid soap with you to kill the mix it will still harden but it will make it easier for you too clean.


Water washing works but you have to know what you are doing the operator who trained me had it all together told me when he was learning the first 3 days he was busting pipe because he was doing it wrong. I was lucky I was able to benefit from his mistakes and so far to date I have never had to bust pipe from doing a water wash.

b-alto 06-03-2009
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Make sure you have a really good sponge like a 6" round soft or a 5" hard. Make sure its wet so the air doesn't suck through it. Might even dip it in oil. Then if you have to, stick the boom straight up in the air (don't boom over anyone!) reverse the pump and listen. It will come back. Clean pipe is important if your pipe has build up in it that could be your trouble. Using a good over sized sponge is the key. Don't use a 5" soft it leaves build up.

Telealbelt 06-03-2009
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If you have been sucking back 3" slump, there is the problem.  Build up in pipes.

murf 06-03-2009
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if your pumping down till it spits air then you could be pumping all the crap left in the hopper up the tube as well, this and mixer drivers back washing when your not looking.

Ti-so 06-03-2009
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i just finish cleaning all deck pipes tower and first boom tomorow morning the TEST if everything right.It s not metal small grey depot here and there .I ll prime with grout.

Thanks for all your advice folk really really appreciates


Step Brother 06-03-2009
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If you get the chance, sometime in between trucks, stick a sponge in her and see if it comes back, open the back end and take it out and reprime. if it doesnt, you got time to think of another plan. if your still nervous after your done, stick a second one in it and pull 2 back

Ti-so 06-03-2009
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step brother


you do this when it s a big poor? not a 10 m³ house footing But i was nervous i been caught off guard cause it was my first job with that pump that i bought in the US.i was just soposed to pump today i was preparing my pump at shop when my brother call me that he s gonna be late for that job so i let go!

Schwinger 06-03-2009
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My guess is that all new gaskets and only 10 meters you were probably sucking air all the way through.  Did you grease every rubber inside and out?

Ti-so 06-04-2009
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Yes and i put gray tape under all other gasket there were no leak at all .Air pressured to 150 lbs in the boom and nothing moved

mothy 06-04-2009
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Always wet it up before you pump it down let the aggitators mix it up and then pump it down make sure your section is done draining  and then suck your sponge

mothy 06-04-2009
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 Put a bag around your sponge

Many 06-04-2009
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Procedures is all it's about.Remember the pump can be your best friend at a time like this.Spin your boom back over hopper and recirculate,adding water to wet the mud.Once your up to a 5-7" slump you should be able to pull a ball.

Works every time unless you have piston issues,swivel gasket issues.An over looked spot for gasket failure is in the turret.Leaking grout around swivels is a dead give away.Something about dry mud won't let you pull anything.Imagine that!!!

shaide 08-17-2009
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theres nothing wrong with your pump where im at we always carry a bag of sugar if you ever see mud that stiff wet it up before you wash out sometimes standing your boom straight in the air with your ball in the tip section will work rember when in dought wash out

NxtGenPumper 11-09-2009
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I water washed til I moved to Canada and was forced to suck a sponge back in winter. I came across the same problem but learned a few tricks.... Plan your pour til your last hopper full, or if allowed pump back into mixer or dirt pile, but before doing so "A" frame your boom and I just let the mixer driver wash out into my hopper, or add a few gallons or 4 to 6 liters, but to be-careful he dont get too carried away with the water, I reverse blades, pump foreword a few strokes and reverse a few times, you mix that water you just added, doing so. Then I forward blades to feed barrels start at low Volume slowly, i mean slowly working my way to max. vol. until I cant pump no more. Set jib down shove a ball and comes back every time.