hey guys have yall heard anything as crazy as this?
RAM03 01-16-2009
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there is a huge jobsite down the road from mine that just took an uppercut from the economy, but with a weird twist. the bank that financed the jobsite for the GC was just bought out by another bank. now this new bank has decided that they dont want to finance the job and pulled the funding. so now the entire job is back up for bid GC and all. the thing is, is that several major subs that have had to lay off a TON of employees 70 to 100 from what i am hearing there are multiplr tower cranes and a pump co has alot of equipment installed in this building{several pedistals and placing booms etc...} this is not my company but my former company for which i have alot of respect for. it is a huge mess and i would like to see how or how long it will take them to sort this mess out. anyone heard of anything crazy like this going on elsewhere???

Bob 01-16-2009
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I went to see my Dad and saw one of your deals, though on a much smaller scale. It was a 5 story steel building frame. Very strange; no decking, no nothing except the frame. They probably erected the steel so no one would rip it off. The jobsite was barren. No trailers, no stockpiles of anything, just the steel frame and a dirt jobsite.

Scared me.

oregonfan6285 01-16-2009
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yes i have. about six months ago a 6 billion dollar job was shut down on the las vegas strip. one tower had 5 placing booms on it. there were about 3 pump companies on that job. we were not but one of the contractors on that job was suppose to build his own 50 floor tower that we were suppose to pump. that tower is now on hold. the project is now a ghost town. i heard it was not suppose to start back up til 2010.

Seed 01-16-2009
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That is a sad story. I have witnessed 3 steel abandoned frames in my life time. How does it work when a big company has a bunch of tower booms on a job, they have not been paid for the work they have done and then have to absorb the cost of pulling down the equipment? Sounds costly.

Bob, How old is you dad?

Bob 01-16-2009
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93 years young

Many 01-16-2009
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Circuit City would like to thank all of the customers who have shopped with us over the past 60 years. Unfortunately, we announced on January 16, 2009, that we are going out of business.

30,000 employees

Seed 01-16-2009
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93 Wow! Long lives with happy endings! I bet he is one wise man!

30,000 employees at once! That is way more devastation than the pumping industry can bring on America.

ruck 01-16-2009
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God bless you and your father.


TooTall 01-18-2009
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Ram03, It aint so crazy its been happening up here for a while. From multi-million$ projects to residentual and all in between. There are foundations that were poured well over a year ago full of tall grass and small trees every where you look! Huge projects that where brought up to street level and then sut down until??????

I pumped a 150yd foundation wall on a $5+million$ project that will shut down indefinatley once its back-filled! Its scary stuff man!?!?

ShortStik 01-18-2009
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a trooper your old man is bob

Many 01-19-2009
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Actually I was a shade off.

An estimated 34,000 employees will lose their jobs when the retailer closes.

Behind closed doors,well everyone knows.
