Holidays and stuff
pudg 12-01-2008
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with the recent grumbling over pics and all of us getting onto one another have we forgot its the holidays.I agree with Bob about unsafe pics gloves off no holds barred no dq no three knock down rule is in effect hell I'll even kickm while theyre down , if it prevents one accident,one injury, or one fatality,now I have heard both sides , I think some have been banned without everyone knowing the whole story including me, so I will not comment on crap I do not know the whole story , I do know that some pictures if you are in my position or Bobs or anyone in management deserve much scrutiny and are subject to our criticism I know I have pissed a few off but you know what, I dont care,if I seem like an ass I dont care if what I post prevents one person from doing an unsafe act I'm happy to be thought of as an a$$,and I truly believe thats where Bob is coming from,he has a responsibility to make sure he gets his point across, does this make him popular,does this make him a nice guy ,no, but what it does get him from me is respect,not caring what people think and still saying or doing whats rite thats what real men do so thats my opinion thats all hope everyone can understand and have a happy holiday season 

Many 12-01-2008
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yes,if you post a picture you open up pandora's box.The problem is how one educates.If i'm gonna sit there like jabba the hut and preace to them,then I am wrong.I am personally on the record here that the powers to be I have personally watch them do what they say shouldn't be done.

I started in this industry in 1976 and have made allot of mistakes.If one cannot educate without harm/slander they should be withdrawn from the human race.There are far more approaches than insults and slander.


No Slamming - No Flooding - No All Caps


Bob 12-01-2008
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To a very large extent I agree with Many. We worked together long ago. How many times have I said that I have done everything there is to do WRONG!? I was also the luckiest guy on the block. None of my personal stupidity resulted in death, injury or destruction of any kind.

I am sort of like the guy at the A.A meeting that has rolled in the gutter and then seen the light. I know, first hand what can happen, and why.

Most people that have been around for a while have similar experiences; some, possibly most, with tragic results.

It is not necessary to recreate a disaster to learn from it.

Please learn from my, and others' disasters and mistakes. It will make you safe without the pain, fright and cost of repair.



during the run-up to our recent election I was receiving piles of email from friend and foe alike. Many of these emails were bigoted, racist and hateful. To everyone that sent me one of these "hatemails" I sent a request to stop. All, without exception, wrote back that "gee, i was just kidding"

To which I sent a go pound sand up your ass letter.

To all of you that are upset with that letter, GOOD. have a nice day ;~)

politics is politics, racism and hate are not excused for political reasons

moose 12-01-2008
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With all do respect,  I really enjoy logging on to this forum and learning new stuff all the time.

But the 'picture' thing is getting a bit old. How bout we drop it and continue on like it used to be.

To Bob: Thanks for all your hard work and please continue that, I really appreciate it!   

Many 12-02-2008
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Some will learn from others mistakes,some won't.


TooTall 12-02-2008
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moose Hows about you just dont click on the posts titled pump pics, job pics, my pics etc. The pictures add quite a bit of information, mostly good, sometimes bad. I agree some are pointless and way off topic, especially some of mine but I do this to add to the "lighter side" and to keep things from getting way to serious. Like Many's wheely poppin dump truck! That made me laugh, thanks Many! Yes we take our profession serious otherwise we would'nt be here. w/out the pics I would never had known that they still build brand new Elba's, I would have never seen a free standing placing-boom on a barge motoring up the Columbia river etc...... Show me, Dont tell me?

And Pudg, the above words sound like they come from a guy who chased a trophy whitetail for 4 days to no avail??????  

moose 12-04-2008
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Too Tall


I was talking about that one subject, not all pics!!

Think about it.