Tiago 03-16-2007
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What you guys think its the best product to put in the hopper when u setting up for the concrete to not stick to the hopper and the pipes around it

i heard some people saying about mixing diesel with oil that contractors use to put in the concrete forms ....

do you guys know of any kind of material that is made to that specific kind job .....

i would be interested in buying it

Seed 03-16-2007
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Form oil dries out the rubber on the hopper and is $40 for 5 gal. My local tavern gives me their waste fry-o-lator oil. It is free and works great. 

jd 03-16-2007
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I use diesel fuel mixed with used hydr oil in hopper then use dirt free of large rocks and dump in bottom of hopper this keeps mud from sticking on bottom so when I open hopper mud falls right out

CretePumper 03-17-2007
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I use hydraulic oil, got a sprayer tapped into one of the agitator hydraulic lines near the hopper, works great. I give the hopper and deck a good spray in the morning and can be pumping all day with Ready-Mix drivers slobbering all over the pump. End of the job I swing the boom over the hopper recirculate a few times blast the grate and inside walls of hopper to rid any build up before I start to fold up and wash. I do appreciate any help ready-Mix drivers give me, but I get a little upset when the boys think their helping me out by washing off the hopper when they slobber all over it, alls they are doing is making me work harder at the end of the day.