Bob 06-26-2007
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This won't be a picnic. It WILL be educational. ALL managers, Owners and Owner Operators should attend.

You will be glad you did!

butcha 06-27-2007
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yes bob you took the words right out of my mouth.           every one go's to the world of concrete'that might be a good time to do this!

Bob 06-27-2007
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EVERYONE doesn't go to the WOC. The same people go and think it is everyone. Lost Wages,NV is too far west for me. I am not interested  in going. I think that the WOC probably needs to be there, it is a big show and few venues can support it. But unless someone makes me go; I will stay home.

As far as the picnic goes.....

make a big X on a map and you get pretty close to Kansas City as a center. (about) And the closer to the center, the fewer average miles per attendee. That is the democratic way to pick a spot. IMHO

But that is not what the original post was about ;~)