How many times have you heard this?
SCOTT42 07-07-2010
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Only if ive could get a doller for each time ive heard "man thats like playing a video game" I heard it again today and it drives me nutts. I allways tell them that the differance is that I cant just turn it off when im tired of it. Do the rest of you guys hear that? If so what do you say?

bigstick 07-07-2010
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Every time I hear this, I tell them I am the only dad in the world who can kick thier kids butts in video games.

I also tell them that I have the best and easiest job in the world until something goes wrong, then it quickly turns into the worst job in the world.

Next time someone tells you that, hand them the remote and say" its your turn, i'm tired, wake me up after my thirty minute nap."

stonezer 07-07-2010
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Do you have a proportional remote or a black and white remote? I run a 1985 and white..tap,tap,tap,'s like an old atari game of pong


SCOTT42 07-07-2010
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I run a porportional now, but i learned to operate a pump on a 3 sec 28m that was black and white controls 10 years ago.

WHO?? 07-07-2010
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I hear it all the time...Generally this changes their idea's on the whole "Video Game" thing......."Yeah Its just like a video game except I can't just push the reset button when I kill the person in this "GAME"!!"

Pumpsafe 07-07-2010
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Hahahaha... I hear this all the time too. I tell them yea its a video game that if you screw up you can hurt or kill yourself or others... and your pawn costs more than your house, a one chance game over, if lucky you might get a bonus retry. Heres the controls... wanna try? OH no... I dont have the coordination for that... then its not like a damn video game! hahahaha I hate hearing that too bud. This isnt your average day job. Its a lifestyle, career, a challenge you can never get bored of... and my office drives and my cubical has windows!

murf 07-08-2010
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usually get , U any good at flying model aircraft?? ... to which u reply .. NO , so keep ur hard hat on!!! 

soon shuts them up.

SCOTT42 07-08-2010
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Funny you say that, I do fly remote control airplanes and love them. If you can find that you can use you wireless remote at work without thinking what to do with it then you have a good chance of learning how to fly them. Maby later today after I get home from work ill post a pick or two of them for ya.

Dan 07-08-2010
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my reply is usually "yeah you only get one life and no continues".

schwing58 07-08-2010
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haha. Everytime they ask me why i'm so good at driving the boom (not my words!!!) I tell them thats because I'm from the playstation generation!!

mudcup 07-08-2010
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I say its like a big video game then I tell them operating is the easy part then you gotta know how to think on your feet when something goes wrong no time to stop and think about it.

pumpingdave 07-08-2010
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yea i always tell them i got a playstation 4

SCOTT42 07-08-2010
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Ok so here is a pic or two of my toys, I dont get to play with them much but they are fun when I can.

SCOTT42 07-08-2010
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Another one

SCOTT42 07-08-2010
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A few more hanging on the wall

Matthew 07-28-2010
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funny, I here that alot myself.  tell'em yeah, it's fun, I get to run a big toy every day, but big boy toys take big boys the clean, put away and fix.  All is well as long as she's puttin' the mud out the end.  It's hell when that stops.  That's when the eyes usually go silver dollar size.  You can almost see the light go off upstairs, but only those that run'em can truly understand the stress thats involvled every time you put mud in the pipes!!!