How to Handle Small Grease Fires in the Kitchen
Bob 11-25-2008
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According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Thanksgiving is the number one day of the year for house fires. And the leading cause of those fires? Cooking. The best way to prevent a cooking fire is to stay by the stove and pay attention.

Here’s what to do in the event of a small grease fire:

  • Stay calm.
  • Slide a lid over the pan.
  • Turn off the stove.

Do NOT pick up the pan and try to move it outside or to a safer location. Doing this only increases the chance of the fire spreading.

crazycreter 11-25-2008
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you got that on a safety sticker for the wife's stove?

Todd 11-25-2008
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When i was 17 or so my girl friend and I snagged my parents time share keys in the town next door to were we lived with out permission. We were going over to just watch some t.v. and fry up some chicken. Well we got the oil heating up and one thing let to another while watching t.v. and all of a sudden I hear a woooosh and i look over and the pan of oil is on fire. 4 foot flames. I run over pick up the pan and walk out side with it. I throw the oil in the pan all over our brick patio and now the whole patio is on fire. 15 x 10 area is all on fire. I look up and my dad and mom are standing about 20 feet away with this dumb, stunned amazed look on their face. I was lucky brick does not burn, but needless to say I got in a bit of trouble.


I have two teenage boys right now 14 and 15 and one of them gets his permit today. Pray for me guys.

Pump N00b 11-25-2008
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And DON'T use water, it will almost 'explode' all over the place.

mytfynsunshine 11-25-2008
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My neighbor was at work one night when his 15 year old son had some friends over and they decided to try to make funnel cakes. The grease caught fire and they tried to throw a blanket on it. Well, needless to say we heard a banging on the door and 4 teenagers begging for fire extinguishers. All we had was 2 small ones, my boyfriend ran over to the house with them to try to put it out, but by the time they got back into the kitchen with the extinguishers, he said the whole back wall was in flames. It was too late. The house that had been there for 20+ years burnt to the ground within 20 minutes. Everyone please be safe, and make sure you have fire extinguishers!

scolew 11-25-2008
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Don't deep fry a turkey in the garage of the house you just built and recieved the final for that morning like a contractor did in Eugene OR. a couple years ago. 

He burned it to the ground. The home owners Christmas gift went up in flames.

TooTall 11-26-2008
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This info is a couple months late for my house hold. While pan frying stergeon, the pan caught fire, my wife decides to throw the whole sha-bang out the kitchen window! Without opening it!!! Flash- Crash- POOF!...lets go to Mcdonalds kids... 

Slinger 11-26-2008
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That's why you should always keep a box of baking soda near the stove. Throw it on the fire and the chemical reaction created between the fire and baking soda creates carbon dioxide which will put out the fire. Learned that in grade 11 chemistry and tried it out in my kitchen while making french fries.....really worked but the fries didn't fare so well.

Pump N00b 11-27-2008
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Isn't it baking soda thats in fire extinguishers?
Or something similar? Heard something about it...