Bob | 10-27-2006 | comment profile send pm notify |
This (would be) instructional video has been around for a while; I sort of dissed it. It came up in a conversation yesterday so I thought I might post a comment on the subject. This video has a few good moments that are outweighed by the neverending number of procedural errors and safety violations. Everyone is a critic, I know. If it was left to me to decide, this would be my decision. LET THE ACPA MAKE THE "HOW-TO" VIDEOS! |
tink | 10-27-2006 | reply profile send pm notify |
I agree .....We should have a generic acpa certified operator training program developed by thee ACPA in partnership with the manufactures. First we as an industry should promote the reading of the operators manual by are employees. This would indicate that we would actually do something with it after all the $ were spent ;tink |
Bob | 10-27-2006 | reply profile send pm notify |
If I were a young man just ready to enter the pump bizz, I would not go to a school. Why would I want to pay for training when I could go to work for a pump company and GET PAID TO LEARN? And Marcus, there is a difference between training and experience ;~) |
Bob | 10-28-2006 | reply profile send pm notify |
In the first hour, and for many many hours after that, the most important thing would be supervision. It always tickles me how a thread is started and changes as it goes on. That is probably a good thing. This way everyone can have a say about what is on his mind. |
tink | 10-28-2006 | reply profile send pm notify |
I am not talking about going to school though I believe it is a good Idea based on the quality of training at the pump company level mostly very little. Owners sit on there lard and scream button pushers and wont spend a dime teaching anything butttttt.Now that i have recoverded from that burst of emotion. I am talking about training at the service company level to truly certify as a trained operator a ACPA certified operator not someone who read the book. For those who dont know the manufactured is named in every lawsuit and spends a minnimum of 100,000 in a typical suit. Every safety sticker is the result of a lawsuit because soon we wont need to paint. SOLUTION; training training TRAINING DAAAAA My favorite safety sticker outrigger crushing foot complete with pictures.
Aussie | 10-28-2006 | reply profile send pm notify |
Re Training new operators We have been down this track before and no doubt will again. The number one advantage we have down under is that we supply and charge for linehands on all our pumps, line and boombs. The vast number of our boom operators come from our linehands, normaly after 2 years as a linehand, where they get the chance to go out with all our operators line and booms, they have had the field experience and training and confidence and they have seen the different situations that can and do come up on site i.e. safe pump setups, with booms the operators will involve the linehands i.e. where do you think we should set up on this job and why I find this way we can train and promote from within with the confidence our new operators have received field experience and ongoing training to do the job safly and with confidence. Books and videos are okay, but they will never be better than the proper on job training - works for us. 20 years and no insurance claims. cheers from aussie . everyone KEEP SAFE |
Sandman | 12-04-2006 | reply profile send pm notify |
Well said BRAVO new guys are trained way to fast and their is a heck of a lot more to this than operating a remote box. No one ever listens to the older operators like they use to , 2 days on their own and they are an expert. |