How's that work ?
Beast 09-26-2012
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Been having a conversation over the last few days with a older fellow no longer in the industry , says he left because the industry is a unsafe one , but wants to tell everyone how to do something he never could , run a safe company , there's many safe companies out there , there are many safe operators , but there are unsafe ones also , rookies and veterans , but I will continue to strive to make this a better industry not just be a spectator , I love it , I live it , and I'm good at it , like most here are ,or aspiring to be , my point don't let someone bitter because he failed to leave this industry a better place effect you in anyway , hopefully he has other things in life that he did a little better job at , I pray when I'm done , I won't have the hate or bitterness for the industry or the ones who have excelled in it , live happy , have pride in what you do , and don't listen to bitter , unhappy guys who failed and couldn't cut it, this is not a unsafe industry , it's just a industry that isn't perfect , and not for the frail or weak , so stay strong, stay safe , and don't let others failures do anything but show you the way not to turn.

ShortStik 09-26-2012
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10-4!  if one dosn't love being in the pump industry GET OUT. it alot easier being a mixer op and u make close to the same as a pump op (in western canada) and might just see how a safe pump op operates.

rusty22 09-27-2012
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Well said Beast.

Many 09-27-2012
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I'll tell you what I did need to learn was tolerance, and I think I've been actually given a daily opportunity to practice that, and it's - it's - and I know that that sounds almost like a backhanded slap, and it is in a way because I haven't been successful at it every day.
Mel Gibson

biloximike 09-27-2012
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Cool, Far Out, Rightious, You the Dude Man!   I just did not understand.  Now I bow to your greatness, you are the badest, toughest, meanest pump operator, manager, and vice president of not just one but TWO companies that has ever evloved in the pump industry.  I tremble at just the thought of you! 

I apologise sincerly and let me say this, Master, Bwana, Sahib, Chief, Lord of all pumps  - I think I love you man!............s

Beast 09-27-2012
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And I've learned everyday since those quotes , and I'm still here , and I'm still a guy that will kick ass or take a ass kicking I've had it both ways , but I never quit , I'm Always trying to improve , and I never stop learning , the day I do is the day I draw my last breath , and I as everyone of us have done dangerous things , but Ive never hurt anyone on a concrete pump , 23 years I've been running pumps , Can you say that ? I would hope so , in 8 years of managing and pumping we have had accidents , none catastrophic ,maybe I'm just lucky, whatever the case , my safety record , the respect I have for and from my associates , and the relationships I have with my guys is second to none , so I'm happy with that , my guys , my boss they're happy and safe and profitable . So Mikey no more pissing matches , I have nothing to prove to you or anyone but myself , and that's a work in progress , I love challenges .

Beast 09-27-2012
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You bow to whomever you want , I bow to my lord and savior Jesus Christ , so you do whatever you do ,until we meet , have a nice life .

biloximike 09-27-2012
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Just so Macho.........I love it when you talk tough.  Later beasty boy!   grrrrrr rough............

Beast 09-27-2012
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Such a douchebag , go change your depends or something , shits coming out both ends.

Many 09-27-2012
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biloximike 09-28-2012
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Trying to ignore you Beasty Boy but you just keep taking my breath away - your studliness is overwhelming!   Lighten up.  You will get an ulcer and I worry about you.

Beast 09-28-2012
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biloximike 09-28-2012
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You know I used to be as smart as you.  I started off in concrete pumping knowing nothing, then I knew everything and then the older I got the more I realized I did not know it all and I am back to the point of knowing almost nothing.  Keep an open mind and like you once said "learn" 

Beast 09-28-2012
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everyday, I learn. my mind is wide open, and i will never know everything, and I hope whatever you are doing you are successful, I'm out got things to do . Peace.

mrpumpy 09-28-2012
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can't these guys not have a good oldfashion shootout? so we don't have to listen to this crap all the time?

biloximike 09-28-2012
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You know after all the names you have called me Beast I have decided that if we are going to become Buds then we need to find a name that you accept.  How about you just call me the old Crudmudgen?  I mean after all it we are buds we should come to a concensus!  Now I have to think of a nickname for you? Hmmmmm Since I Picked Old Crudmudgen you can pick what I call you!

Beast 09-28-2012
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Jackass, D---head, buttwipe, doesn't really matter , I've been called all kinds , alot of people call me pudg, whatever you want I'm partial to Jackass.

biloximike 09-28-2012
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Dipstick 09-28-2012
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Maybe some of you negative caracters has something possitive to contribute to this site for a change?? This is embarrassing.. There are people on this site that are real pro's... What should they think when they read this?