Hydraulic oil replacement
shady rashed 03-25-2016
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What is the best procedure for replacing concrete pumps oil from one oil brand to another brand ?

Boomerr 03-25-2016
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What i do is drain the tank and put in new filters. Wipe out the bottom of the tank with shop towels tied onto a stick. Next you filter the new oil from the drum through a filter cart into the tank. This is important to keep your oil clean because the oil in the drum is not always that clean. If you put quick couplers on the bottom of your tank and on the top of the tank you can filter your tank oil through the cart. I do this every time I change motor oil.  I also add oil to the tank when needed through the filter cart. This is the best way to keep your oil clean. I also have a wand off the agitator motor that I spray the hopper with every time.  This allows you to replace the additives in the oil which break down over time by adding new oil through the cart. This is the method I use and my pump is 16 years old and none of my cylinders weep on the boom or outriggers. I believe this is the best method but i am not a hydralics expert. Any experts care to comment?

bisley57 03-25-2016
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Part of your daily walk around routine should be to bleed hydraulic tank of moisture,do this before cranking truck.Never keep water in box after a pour above your rod seals since the heat will draw water in to the mains.Plugged vents on the hydraulic tank will create havoc on your system,and keep your jugs in good shape.Make sure the cooling fan/fans are working properly

bisley57 03-25-2016
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Ever exchange loop oil?

Boomerr 03-26-2016
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 I have never heard of over filtering the oil breaks it down. I believe excessive heat and use breaks down the additives. The water in the oil pits the metal and wears the pumps out. The excessive heat causes seals to deform and leak. The particles cause excessive wear and seal failure. To my knowledge there are no additives that you can add, that is why you need to add oil periodically. We need a hydraulic specialist to reply. ... any comments?

shady rashed 03-26-2016
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i am afraid while draining the tanks and after replacing the filter it will still be some oil in the system this oil will mix with the new oil brand and may be later it will damage the system because it will mix two different oil brands together.this was my point

bisley57 03-26-2016
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Talk to your local oil distributor, they should have some knowledge on this subject matter

Boomerr 03-26-2016
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The little bit of oil in the pumps will change the oil properties a bit. You are adding probably 90 gallons of oil to the couple of gallons left in the system, therefore it will not change your properties of the new oil that much,  It is more important to filter your oil into the tank because clean oil is more important then a little old oil mixed in with the new oil.That was my point..

greyslayer 03-27-2016
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How often should the oil be changed out? And been looking at the filter cart how does it work does it have its own pump on it? And I was also told by a mechanic of many years hydraulic  expert I would say is the major killer on hyd seals is heat. Turns the seals into rock hard and brittle. And its always better to have more oil than not enough oil in the resovour

Boomerr 03-27-2016
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The oil should be replaced every 1000 actual pump hours or by oil sampling.The filter cart I use is sold by Alliance concrete pumps. The motor is electric and it has a water filter and a micron filter on it.

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