I am thinking we need a few articles on what a contractor.....
Todd 05-04-2009
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I am thinking we need a few articles on what a contractor can do to help ensure trouble free pours. I was thinking that we could help to promote safe job site pours by helping to set a standard of what a contractor should do before a concrete pump arrives on the job, during the pour and after a concrete pump leave the job site. Anyone have any ideas on the titles of these articles and is anyone out there willing to write them? I will give you credit for the articles. What do you guys think about this project?

WHO?? 05-04-2009
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Nothing worse than pulling up to a job and tryin to get outriggers out around stuff or setting up in a mud hole or even having to figure out how to drive the pump on to the site!

Todd 05-04-2009
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Very good, yes I think that would be a good one.

Joe 05-04-2009
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pre plan deck pours

#1 Bitch: No idea how or where to end the pour where to make the escape route so everyone can get off the deck....

#2 Bitch: Contractors to cheap to provide grout for long system pours.

#3 Bitch: Not enough room to set up properly, or a place clean out

#4 Bitch: Contractors who dont provide the labor to clean out the hoses as they come off the pour

Snarf 05-04-2009
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Designate a wash out area!Tired of being told to find a good place & then getting called in on.

ShortStik 05-04-2009
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5dat 05-05-2009
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It sounds like you are all a bunch of winy pump operators. Your bitches and grips can be solved easly on the job. First off its not up to you where they end the pour, stand somewhere you can get off easy. As far as cleaning hose after the first on comes off the deck and you see no one cleans it, then stop the pour (rember you have the on off switch) go down and clean the hose and I bet that will be the last time you have to do it yourself. How can you say there isn't enough room to set up. If there is't enough room then you don't pump the job, see how fast you have the room to set up. I think you forgot something, we as operators run the pour, if you don't go into the job with that attitude then you will be walked on and forgoten in the end. don't come off with a bad attitude but also let it be known that with out you everyone would be working a lot harder 

rusty22 05-05-2009
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the on off button works every time to get system clean

rusty22 05-05-2009
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Thats a good one for the start of the pump season if we have one this year, SET UP WHO CLEANS THE SYSTEM IF USED AND A PLACE TO WASH OUT

Many 05-05-2009
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I can say here in the Denver area there are several great contractors that have there act together.A good general forman already knows the aspects,all of them.Before I even order a pump I already know what,why,how.

There have been a couple of my jobs that were in question,ugly.I simply called and met with a rep and went over it.It was more of hey is this against your policy?Then again a mind is a terrible thing to some.

PourItOut 05-05-2009
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Have someone check the jobs as I do,,,  some jobs dont need to be checked because the contractor has some knowledge of a concrete pump, We run a small fleet and I try to have time to check as many jobs as I can

RAM03 05-05-2009
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i agree 1000% with pour it out. jobchecks are so crucial. rarely have i been to a jobsite that has been checked that didnt go smoothly. but boy i try not to think about the ones that ive went to, showed up, the super says i need you to set up there and boom to there. im thinking im in a big concrete pump not a smart car and its a 47 meter not a 63 meter. luckily most of the time weve come together and figured out a way to make it work. i know there are times when all jobs cannot be checked but man it sure helps us all when they are.

Reverend Pimp 05-09-2009
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I Met a man for the the first time i worked for No BS i never did nothing but pump on and pump off .I will work my ass off to help him for the honesty he gave me .