I have a video of a guy who got his leg cought in a hopper..
Todd 01-27-2009
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Should I post it?

Todd 01-27-2009
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truckshow 01-27-2009
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How bad is it??  My stomach is churning just thinking about it...  Did he live?  How old is the video?  God Bless him....

Todd 01-27-2009
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Yes he did live, and he is ok, and he did not lose his leg.

Drew AUS 01-27-2009
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Todd i think you should post it , its hard to make new guys aware of how bad things can get , maybe if they watch it they will realise and learn something

Todd 01-27-2009
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Its posted and man was it hard to watch. I do agree everyone who pumps should see it. This guy was a warrior to post this and to allow it online for everyone to see and learn from. Most guys who get caught in a hopper are not as, should i say it? LUCKY

truckshow 01-27-2009
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Thank God, I thought you meant the ACTUAL event, I just watched it Todd, WOW....  He is lucky to be alive, "THANK GOD everynight" doesn't really do it justice....  GOD truly did watch upon him in that hospital, I don't know how he made it through over a year in that bed.....Can't even imagine the pain...  I had trouble watching it to be honest!!!  Very humbling... 

Any news on what exactly happened in Nov. of 07' ??

I wonder if he wants to ever pump again??

truckshow 01-27-2009
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100% should be required for all personnel at next safety meeting, and every new green horn... I AGREE!!!!

toper 01-27-2009
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thats what happens when u take ur focus off of being safe, knarly scars and a life time of tinking what u could of done differently.

the bright side is he walked away with his life , and a mangled limb,


bri 01-27-2009
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I watched it and cried he is so lucky to be alive GOD was watching over him

PhilVDB 01-27-2009
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I was the manager of the sister company to the one that James was working for. It was a terrible experience. He was onsite totally alone when it happened and an excavator operator just happened to hear him screaming. They thought they were going to have to amputate his leg onsite

Bob 01-28-2009
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I am happy that this guy is well on the mend.

For all of you adventurers that clean out with the grate open.....



peterpump 01-28-2009
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all i can say is W T F nice to see you still have use of your leg gods with you good luck on the healing