Tripatrickm 07-12-2007
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I know the economy is slow right now but if anyone is looking for equipment financing give me a holler!

shortrigger 07-12-2007
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myself and another operater will be looking for financing soon let me know any secrets u know about finance, we are in a hotspot thats booming right now and thinking about getting a pump of our own rather than working for company that doesnt want to pay us proportionately 

Todd 07-12-2007
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Just so everyone knows the guy that started this post is

www.tristarcapital.com  good company and they support this web site. Thanks guys.

Matt 07-13-2007
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Give ROKK a try, they are doing some pumps for me.  Very good terms.

Tripatrickm 07-17-2007
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Why don't you let me shoot you over a quote on the next pump you get. I can compete and beat ROKK. What type of terms are they quoting? If you shoot me over this info below I can shoot you out quote... Your company's time in business? Credit score? Is equipment new or used? Have a profitable week, Pat

Tripatrickm 07-17-2007
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Best advice is to head down to your local city hall or contact your local newspaper and create a business name. It can be a sole propreitor, partnership, LLC, corporation etc. it's up to you and your partner how you want to structure your company. This establishes your proof of time in business. Next, fill out our application and send it in for me to go over with credt and round up some reasonable numbers for you. Give me a call directly at the office if you want to talk more...714-881-1615... PAT MCCARTY V.P. Concrete Construction Division myself and another operater will be looking for financing soon let me know any secrets u know about finance, we are in a hotspot thats booming right now and thinking about getting a pump of our own rather than working for company that doesnt want to pay us proportionately