I hope you all will indulge me for a second. ""RED FRIDAY""
Todd 03-16-2007
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What do you guys think, should I take the Red Friday stuff off of this web site. I stay away from politics but I think this is different. What do you guys think? Am I playing on a slippery slope?


I am going to wear red today and I think I will put this banner up on each Friday. What do you think?


Here is the link if you have not see it as of  yet.




Muddawg 03-16-2007
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As a Desert Storm Veteren I am moved to tears every time I see these two stories of Honor.Two stories that portray what true Honor is.If you havent lived it you cant fully understand the devotion these people have shown.Thanks Todd.

Russ 03-16-2007
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WOW--that is very powerful stuff. I am a former Marine and it givs me a great sense of pride. We never leave a man behind.


putz63 03-16-2007
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There is only two people that have died for your freedom,, Christ and the American G.I.. God Bless all our men and women in uniform!!!!

Russ 03-16-2007
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Very well put putz63

Recon 03-17-2007
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That put a knot in my throat. Granted I am Canadian and served with  jtf2 with three theatres of oprerations to my credit.  I have had the honor of of working extensively with your forces. The sacrifice that our brothers in arms make regardless of flag should be honored at the highest level. I will continue to wear red on friday in support of all our service men that put all on the line in the name of Peace.

God Bless them  ALL

pump_bro 03-17-2007
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Hello todd, there are a lot of careing peaple in Canada too that also cellebrate Red Friday,peaple who have lost loved one in the past and those who have sons ,daughters,fathers,mothers and even grandparents fighting right beside the US troops and or cleaning up the after-math.

So , keep in mind the web site is international ,    Please   !

Todd 03-17-2007
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Agree 100% and it is not just an American thing, I know and understand that completely.




ConcreteBlood 03-18-2007
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VERY WELL PUTZ63!!!!!!!!!!

Recon 03-18-2007
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I just caught the link you placed on your last entry  that was very cool, thanks Todd.