I just found out that the flu shot has mercury in them
Todd 09-27-2009
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Opinions about whether mercury in flu shots is a threat to human health may vary, but no one can deny the facts on the flu shot. Mercury is used in the manufacturing of and as a preservative in most flu shot vaccines.

Even those vaccines that are labeled preservative free have trace amounts of mercury left over from the manufacturing process, but because the content is too low to act as a preservative, they are called preservative free.

My mom got really sick after her flu shot many years ago. She did not know why but it was the mercury that her body did not like. 

lol imagine that.

fred82 09-28-2009
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can you tell me which one because my mother in law needs one and that one sounds good to me :)

Many 09-28-2009
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My mom got really sick after her flu shot many years ago

I have talked to several people that react this way,me included.I will get my shot thursday,if I remember I will ask the powers to be.

Personally I never liked mercury,was more a chevy type myself.

Todd 09-28-2009
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pumpjockey 09-28-2009
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Before you get your panties in a knot, do a bit of research:


And don't you remember the day you came home with that scraped-up knee and your Mom slathered this red stuff all over it and it stung like hell?  That's right, Mercurochrome.

Don't look now, but the sky is falling, chickenlittle.

But if you're still concerned, tell them you're allergic to eggs, that way you'll get the shot that was produced witout the benefit of a preservative, just hope like hell it's been handled correctly, because Staphlococcus bacteria may be in it.

Todd 09-28-2009
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I understand what your saying and its all good. Get the shot if you want. Some school are asking you to get two flu shots this year. I just thought it would be good to at least think about it.

pumpjockey 09-28-2009
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People do need to make an informed descision.

This type of prevenative medical treatment does a lot more good than harm.  Take Polio for example.  Or when was the last time you heard of a case of the Measles,

Boom Out 09-28-2009
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My brother is a doctor, I don't know what happened to me, anyway, here's a link he sent me the other day.

There are many differing opinions about the flu shot, this link contains some interesting info that should help you make an informed decision.


Boom Out 09-28-2009
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I forgot... the video's are kind of slow, dry and long. If you scroll past them, there's plenty of stats and info.

Boom Out 09-28-2009
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Sorry the previious link didn't work... an edit feature would be nice. This one should be good:  http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2009/09/19/The-Truth-about-the-Flu-Shot.aspx

Justapumper 10-01-2009
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 Well I look at it this way, if you have a good immune system dont get the shot and, if you dont get it. I personally will not get the shot. I have never got a single flu shot and, have never got the flu either. I dont believe in using any drugs unless absolutlely necessary, your body will fight off the majority of things in life and, become stronger from it.