I LOVE SCHWING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
JohnThomas 02-27-2008
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A few days ago I posted a question about my pipe lining up. Well today I got a call from our boom inspector, explaining to me how to fix the problem. I guess someone in his company read the post and maybe saw that i was from Wichita falls??? Well i guess they contacted the boom inspector and he knew it was me. and called me!!!!!!!! The weird thing is my user name is my first name and my middle name and he still knew it was me. Now that is service!!!!!

Todd 02-27-2008
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I love Schwing also, great company, so did the guy help you? is everything up and running now?

Bob 02-27-2008
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So what was your problem\'s solution?

ruck 02-28-2008
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John You need to clue us in. What was the problem?

Thanks Scott

JohnThomas 02-28-2008
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Apperantly you are supposed to put on all your standard lenght pipes, then measure your make up and take off 1/4 of an inch then order that pipe. Also our boom inspector said he would show us a procedure for making the pipe line up. He started to explain it to me on the phone, but the truck is due for a boom inspection in two months. so i told him that we would do it then, and he could show us how. Part of our problem was, the book that we got with the truck had some wrong part numbers for boom pipe (we kept getting deck pipe with the part numbers) so we got a new sheet with all the boom pipe part numbers. Well the make up pipe was diffrent lenghts on the two diagrams. I can\'t wait to get the boom inspection so i can learn this \"procedure\" or how to measure to make sure our pipe is in the correct places. As soon as the boom inspector comes down i will let you guys know.